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nick1805 last won the day on November 10 2017

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  1. Hanging kit sold. Rest stilll available
  2. got the following to clear. Ecotech Radion XR30 diffuser. Less than a month old. Open n used. Letting go at 50 with all the fixtures Ecotech Radion hanging kit. Used for a month also. Letting go at 50. Ecotech Radion XR30 (1st or 2nd gen. cannot remember). Letting go at 200. Collection at tampines. Can whatsapp me at 874 two two 3 four four for quick deal.
  3. reserved with a deposit. will update again if seller backs out
  4. selling a radion xr15w pro with RMS tank mount kit. bought june 2018. still under warranty. letting go at 550. Collection at tampines. interested can whatsapp me at eight seven four 223 four four
  5. looking for the quiet drive model. Anyone wants to let go, can whatsapp me at 874 two two three four four. Do state age, condition, how much you letting go and where to collect. Many thanks!
  6. Text me at eight seven four 223 four four to deal. Thanks
  7. Bought too many. Two boxes unused n unopened. Letting go at 40 a box. Collection will be at tampines.
  8. Used for abt 9 months. Selling at 100. Collection at Tampines. Interested can whatsapp me at eight seven 4 22 three 44
  9. mod pls close this thread. Just realised it shd be a rw15 wavemaker. Created another thread to avoid confusion.
  10. Used for 6 months only. Letting go at $50. Collection at Tampines.
  11. Selling two sets. One is just canister. O ring working fine. Just decommed. Quite worn out look. $80 another canister w pump. Just decommed also. With quick release valve for the biggest hose size. Comes w pump. $240 comes with rubber tubings only no intake plastic tube Collection at Tampines.
  12. Used for 6months. Letting go at 50. Collection at Tampines. Working condition.
  13. Brand new. Have not touched water. In original packaging. Letting go at 360. Collection will be at Tampines. Pm me.
  14. Looking for 7inch ring filter sock holder. Anyone has any to let go text me at nine374six001 w pics pls. Thank you!
  15. got a few to releast at $9 each. dimension is 7 inches plastic ring and length is 14 inches. Collection at tampines.
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