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Everything posted by bugattilambo

  1. hehe no probs man just asking haha thanks
  2. thanks guys but another problem came out I had this green tip anemone there looks fine but of course have mucus on it then brought this blue zoa but tested the water the n02 was soooo high what should I do?
  3. my temp is at 25 degrees small tank very diff to keep sanity cause protein skimmer eats my fresh water thus raising high sanity my tank is a one feet
  4. got this anemone with green tip from farm problem now is that the tentacles has shrunk in size and it is moving around in my tank worst problem is that it has this sticky substance kinda thing like saliva around and also keep finding black debris around my sand bed whats happening??? my sanity level is at 1.020 to highest 1.026 my ph is at 8.0 plus no23 is fine protein skimmer is skimming well whats wrong also I have some live rocks thanks
  5. hey bro how long this voucher last man hehe all kia cars? thanks
  6. bro where is ur location anyway I have one boyu pump powered by batt just like any ordinary pump
  7. hey guys like to ask u guys smthing I have a 1 feet tank with light, cooling fan,skimmer and canister filter actually wanna make it into a seahorse tank but currently spotted clams and some small corals thus dunno what to do. it is kinda small I think is 1 ft by 1/2 ft by 1 ft I need something that perhaps need not need much food example (seahorses) and I think the flow rate of my canister is not too fast do you guys have anything to recommend? thanks
  8. hey bro see if there is any left will be buying thanks
  9. paiseh wor sis ming did just saw the post haha anyway if next time still have sure buy from u FAST haha thanks anyway
  10. woa basket few mins before still have now no more arrr haha anyway if that guy doesnt wan pm me yet thanks anyway next time must be faster cannot wait to consider lion haiz hehe
  11. hey guys frm the management like to know if you guys are going to make any shirts this year cause there is also aquarama 2009 anyway I am real interested in getting one man thanks
  12. oh so what do u feed it any any special conditions? btw how is it doing good I suppose hehe planning to get frm u hehe
  13. hellos ming erm very interested in clams nowadays is ur clam a hardy specimen hehe nvm try before where is ur location thanks
  14. hey bro which part of serangoon area north or central thanks
  15. hey bro ur seahorse pet owner manual is about what btw if interested where to collect haha thanks
  16. btw hor how do u keep ur water cool only see a hang on filter and a german skimmer haha sorry abit off topic but i curious mah hehe
  17. hey bro interested in ur seahorse where is ur location if better have mated pair? thanks
  18. hey guys looking for nice sea horses basically went to find but only can find tigertail seahorses do anyone have any nice seahorses that is for sale if can perhaps a pair would be good try to make it kinda cheap cause I am a student just wanna have something nicer than tigertail thanks
  19. I am having a two feet tank without slump tank using box filter one top of tank with a protein skimmer resun chiller set at 25 degrees 7 kg of live rock in it caught a crab out before now in tank found blue damsel and still have 3 tiger tails sea horses
  20. every thing I tested was normal I have my tank for about 6 mths is there something in my tank killing them? thanks
  21. Hi guys I am back there is this problem which came before chinese new year I fed my fishes and seahorses with mysis shrimp soaked with garlic guard and that night I notice my big star fish moving its arm and didnt take a look but the next day I woke up, the whole star fish was kinda crushed with small little hard white stones nexts to it most probably frm its body . my other small starfish strunk in size one of my nudibranch also died. the funny thing was I could not find one of my blue damsel and one of my nudibranch . All I had now in my tank was a blue damsel and seahorses,when I came home from cny I found the only damsel dead lying on the sand bed but never expected that half of the damsel body turned black what is wrong I have checked my nitrite but it was not the problem my seahorses are still in the tank.
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