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  1. Hi everyone... Thank you for the overwhelming support. All Rocks have been taken by a very nice bro who's starting a new tank. I will be taking a little time to clean up the tank and equipment now, and will start Stage 3 soon. In the mean time, If there is anyone who is keen to take the entire set up, meaning, Tank+Sump, Lights, Skimz Skimmer, Deltec Fluid Reactors x 2, Return Pump; please let me know. I can be reached at 9692-3384. To see what I have, you can refer to my tank thread. http://www.sgreefclu...__1#entry879595 Otherwise, it will take me a little time to clean up, itemise everything and list them here for sale. Thanks again Paul
  2. I have some remnants of Green Palys... These were with me since Day 0, when i was cycling the rocks. THey've grown into a huge colony and are extremely hardy and beautiful..... They are on a medium sized rock.... Not for bros/sis with 1 to 2 ft tanks.... Very nice. Offer me a price...
  3. Hi Bros... Many Live Rocks available..... 1/2 to 1 to 1.5 foot rocks and many Tonga branches... Need to clear by today....
  4. Hi All, Stage 2 - Live Stock (Fishes & Live Rock) I am available from 12pm through 5pm. Location in Hougang. SMS me at 9692-3384. 1. Live Rocks to clear by today. Some rocks with Buttons. Name your price. Rocks need to go before fishes. Name me your price. 2. I don't have many nice photos of the fishes. My old tank thread if you are keen to see some of the fishes i have. Send me an sms. First to SMS will secure. $100 for ALL fishes. You need to have a mature tank. Bros with new and non-mature tanks, please do not sms. You need to bring your own bags and pails. I do not have any bags for you. 1. Yellow Tang x 1 2. Tomini Tang x 1 3. Yellow Foxface x 1 4. Stocky Anthias x 1 5. Yellow Wrasse x 2 6. Coral Beauty x 1 7. Flame Angel x 1 8. Chromis x 3 9. Falco Hawkfish x 1 10. Lyretail Wrasse x 1 11. Lemon Butterflyfish x 1 12. False Percula x 1 13. True Percula x 1 You can see the foxface, Croal Beauty, Tomini Tang, Yellow Tang, both clowns, the yellow wrasse, lemon Butterfly. Heres the Hawfish and the True Percula Flame Angel Lyretail, Anthais, Yellow Wrasse, Foxface
  5. Corals all picked up by a nice bro. Will commence second stage soon.
  6. Dear all, the offer for the Corals have been taken. Please refrain from sms-ing. Thank you for the excellent response...
  7. Hi everyone, Echoing some bros here who are de-comming, It is with a very very heavy heart that I am de-comming. However, with close to 80% travel required at in work in the last 1 year, it has been absolutely impossible to maintain, upkeep and continue to give my fish a good home. I want sell off everything at a very nominal price. I'm so out of the hobby, that I don't even know the prices anymore. Therefore, I am just going to go with what I feel are very reasonable prices. Also, as with many others here de-comming, I will do this by stages. Stage 1 - Live Stock (Corals) 1. I will sell off all coral by tonight. I am selling off the following corals tonight. All for $50. First to sms me will secure. sms me at 96923384. I will only be available tonight and you can only collect from 11pm to 12 midnight. Come with pails if you want some live rocks. The huge colony of button mushrooms are all on a large rock, about the size of a water melon. Paul Brain Coral Nice SPS - Can't remember the name. Bought originally from Cedric. Can't remember the name of this coral. Bought from Coral farm.. originally from Australia Mushrooms and brain, assorted... Huge Birdnest about the size of a sepak takraw ball..... Cup Coral Candy Cane Under lighting, this is bright green with red centres... Can't rememebr the name... originally from Cedric. This is a great Monti!
  8. Hi Jacky, thanks! Small world indeed! Haven't seen much of your postings. Thought you are super busy as well, and haven't been online. How is your tank? Are you still having the cube tank? Paul
  9. Thanks Cedric!!! Hope that I will have more time on my hands in the coming months.... Will have to wait and see.... maybe I kena regional role, and if that happens... Nevertheless, make hay when the sun shines! Ha ha ha.... Some of the SPS I got from you are doing well. the Royal Blue Millie has completely encrusted the plug on which you provided, and its now sending up numerous stems from the plug! Abit slow though... ha ha.... Look forward to having kopi with you...
  10. Hi Soul, ha ha... Got fish la... More than 20 over... Didn't notice that my yellow, tomini tang are now swimming in the open. I have 7 blue chromes, 3 spotted butterflies, a Bellus angel pair, a fox face, a mandarin, fire fish, assorted wrasses...
  11. Hi Soul, yah... I have a deltec denitrator. I also use NP pallets, and the normal protein skimmer, etc.. Paul
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