Sorry for the delay in getting back here scooter blenny.
The method assumes you started with a zo frag, 10-50 polyps on a small piece of rock. If you need to frag a larger rock, a hammer and chisel or screwdriver work well, as do hedge shears. But with those methods again you're killing zos and presenting an opportunity for fungus or infection to take hold.
Ideal water conditions for zos vary greatly, seemingly by colony. Even in the Zoanthus species, some like high light (blues & pinks), some like lower light, some like high flow, some low. But if you aim to keep things moderate you're headed in the right direction. Many people are claiming faster growth rates with skimmerless tanks. Nothing scientific to back it up, but it does make sense since zo's mostly absorb dissolved nutrients from the water column for food.
BTW, I'm subscribed to this thread but I don't get an email when someone replies?
I'm always available at, but no, I won't ship zos overseas.