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Everything posted by Fuzzy

  1. Live sand might be hard to find at the moment, many shops are out of stock. But if you only need small quantity I might be able to spare about 2 - 4kg of Caribsea Carribbean Live sand if you can pickup yourself in the NE Area (Bendemeer) Its $45 for 9kg bag, so $5 per kg lor, its new and unused of course. PM me if you need. Live Rock a good place to try would be AM at Jalan Kayu, they usually have lots of small pieces, can go pick and choose yourself, I think its about $7 a kg. For a tank your size, 1kg should be enough leow.
  2. Wow yeah thats a pretty heavy feeding schedule, but you got some big appetites in there. will your fish take pellet food? maybe feed pellet and 1/2 cube, or pellet only on alternate days. If you have the space you might want to consider building an algae scrubber also. Yeah sea salt is not cheap but running a denitrator or using supplements like AZ-NO3 not cheap either, heh. If you have transport maybe can consider buying filtered Natural Sea Water every one or two weeks?
  3. The stock skimmer seems to do a decent job. I am changing mine to a Tunze DOC 9002 though. But you will need to buy or mod the cup or the hood to accomodate it. I actually already have the skimmer but am still running stock as I want to gauge the difference between the two.
  4. The easiest way to drop your nitrates along with heavy skimming would be to do a 40% - 50% water change once a week for a few weeks in a row. If the levels still remain high something else is wrong. How heavily are you feeding your fish?
  5. Why not consider something larger? Like a 24G or 28G nano instead? more room to store your gems now that you're working Then you don't need to share any sand, one bag just nice, heheheh
  6. Looks good. don't rush anything and don't run your skimmer for now. Test again in 2 weeks and see if the Ammonia and Nitrite levels have dropped. How many Kilograms of live rock did you add to the tank, and what kind of normal sand did you use?
  7. Yes, on the bottom, flow seemed moderate though, but their displays are bare bottom with egg crate..
  8. Fairly sure, the API dKH test is quite straightforward. Drop one turns it blue, add drops until it turns yellow. Hmm strange, ok I'll do a water change and measure again.
  9. Just tested my water parameters, looks like the FR Chaetofuge actually works! My NO3 was at 20ppm after cycling completed, I did a 40% water change and started to introduce livestock. I have been feeding a cocktail of Hikari frozen mysis, Freeze dried cyclopeeze, TLF Marine Snow and Hikari frozen rotifers. 5ml Marine snow, 1/2 cube frozen Mysis, 1/2 Cube frozen Rotifers, 1/4 teaspoon Cyclopeeze, once every 3 days. My water parameters as of 5 minutes ago: Salinity : 1.025 Temp : 26C pH : 8.2 - 8.3 NH4 : 0 NO2 : 0 NO3 : 5ppm Mg : 1380 Ca : 420 mg/L dKH : 4 PO4 : ??? Very weird, my API Reef Master Test Kit is working ok for all other tests. Only Phosphate doesn't seem to be reading properly. This is a brand new just opened set. I've tried twice following the instructions precisely, and both times it stays a light yellow, not even yellowish green or anything close to green. Is the PO4 test kit defective? Anyone have experience with the API PO4 test? Is it because my PO4 is off the charts? I think this is highly unlikely as I mixed this saltwater with DI water measuring 0ppm TDS and Marine Environment Salt. I _am_ experiencing some light algae growth though, on the glass and to a lesser degree on some of the live rock. Anyone have any suggestions? I haven't plumbed my TLF Phosban FR into the loop yet, because I am afraid it will affect the flow of the return pump too much...
  10. Thanks for the kind words! I'm just getting started with this cube, I don't intend to bioload it too heavily, and intend to only have a pair of true perculas and at most a goby in there for fish. I do intend to add a few more shrimp though. I'm kind of an invert nut. Not sure if it helps, I just had it laying around, and figured I would use it to keep light from flooding me, as this is in my bedroom. You should be able to pick it up from most of those larger plant nurseries, especially the ones that cater to hydropnic cultivation. Also arts and crafts stores sometimes carry it. In the end I still had to wrap the whole thing in foil, because that light runs 24/7 and is fairly bright at night. The poor plate is back on the sandbed now, I moved it to the rock for a day because I was afraid it was bristleworms living in the substrate attacking it.
  11. I moved the poor thing up there after it suffered that damage whilst on the sandbed. I have since relocated it to a quiet area on the sand bed. I wonder if my sand was too coarse for it. Using Caribsea Aragonite Live sand.
  12. Hi all, I've moved all updates to the Nano Reefs section of the forum. Latest pics are up. http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?...mp;#entry802024 Also, Dying plate coral needs your input
  13. DIY FR Chaetofuge updates. Day 14 The Chaeto is growing at a rapid pace. even with just a 9W PL light on it. You can see from the other thread what the chaeto looked like on Day 1 and Day 5. It has grow to more than triple the amount I started with in 2 weeks, its browning though, especially right where the PL light is positioned, strange. I still haven't checked NO3 levels, to see if its having any noticeable effect yet I'll go do that now
  14. Decided to move this thread from the Setup one to keep updates here, heh. Original thread: http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=78015 Ok! so I've added some new LS into the tank over the last few weeks, some quick updates with FTS. My humble rock of Mushrooms, they seem to be happy with their location and expanding nicely to soak up the light. Sun Corals looking happy, these greedy little buggers only open up when I feed them though Currently feeding them with a mixture of Hikari Mysis and Cyclopeeze. Some Tree coral, weird that this coral seems "deflated" when the lights are off, then like an inflatable balloon puffs up when the lights are on. Ok I made a boo boo with this purchase, I didn't realize these "Strawberry" coral were this hard to keep alive in captivity..thought they were similar in requirements to tree coral...oops I hope they will survive on TLF marine snow. so far so good. Ok heres where things get unhappy...this Plate Coral I bought at the same time as the Tree coral and Strawberry is doing very badly... I'm not sure who or what is responsible for eating this poor guy. My prime suspects are a nuisance crab which I hadn't noticed for over a month which has now been removed, or bristleworms living in the sand. I hope it survives, but I'm not holding my breath.
  15. I picked up this plate coral from GO about 5 days ago, it looked very happy in the display tank. It seemed fine for the first 2 days I had it, though it did not expand as large as it did when it was in the store tank. On Day three, I noticed its flesh was receding and revealing its skeleton, I suspected it was being attacked by Bristleworms hiding in my sand. I repositioned it onto my rockwork and it seems to be deteriorating even quicker... Any one have any possible suggestions, I am not too optimistic about its chances at survival. The only fauna in this tank aside from a few small bristle worms are a skunk cleaner shrimp, a banded cleaner and 3 turbo snails, no fish. I did remove a nuisance crab about 2 days after I introduced the plate..think that might have been the problem? This crab was ninja hiding out somewhere in the rock work all the way through cycling, I didn't see it in the tank for over a month.
  16. I wussed out of modding the stock cup and bought the StevieT one, I've not tried it out yet though.. >_>
  17. Hi bro, interested in the shrimp, don't want the anthias, hehe. PMed you.
  18. You might want to at least get the exact models and age as well as working condition of both chillers. A bit hard to quote a price when no one knows what is actually even on sale.
  19. IMHO if your tank exceeds 30C at any time of the day for any amount of time, you should seriously consider relocating the tank and/or or installing a chiller. If fan cooling is sufficient to keep the temp below 30C at all times, you should be ok, but beware of false savings as you will be topping up tremendous amounts of water over time, and on a daily basis.
  20. Fuzzy


    Shouldn't need. Usually you only need high PSI for RO systems. Crystal Pro is Carbon + 2 De-ionizing cartridge stages. My tap water pressure is not that high and the crystal pro is running fine. Its a fairly low restriction filter, even with 3 stages, some people even run it without the tap turned on full so that it has more time to circulate through the filters. But even with my Tap on full it goes in at about 59ppm TDS and comes out 0ppm TDS, the inline TDS meter is really a lot more useful than I thought it would be, much less hassle to monitor the input/output water quality.
  21. Call ahead to confirm price and availability first...If its the Natures Ocean one, they are pricier than normal, last I checked.
  22. Keep enough water for a 50% change handy, if anything goes wrong change 50% water and run carbon in your filters, and you should be ok. Don't stress them out or let other fish stress them out, heh. I also don't dare to keep boxfish hee, maybe if you got a big biiiiig tank can try.
  23. don't mind, but I got no reply leh
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