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    Inverts both Freshwater and Saltwater.<br /><br />PC Hardware and Gaming.

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  1. 1hr 10 mins seems slightly long, what flow rate are you providing the chiller with? I had the same setup JBJ 28G HQI with an eheim compact 1000 feeding the chiller, through an FR and then back into the tank. With the lights off it took only around 10 - 15 minutes to chill down 1 degree Celsius from 29C - 28C. Are you providing enough ventilation to your chiller (front and back?) My ambient room temperature is around 28C though
  2. Yikes! who is going to be taking care of your tank while you're doing NS??
  3. CRS prices have plunged drastically in recent days, so I guess now the breeding of marine shrimp is looking like a more attractive prospect! $1500 for a single CRS is never seen any more these days, especially locally. The most expensive and rare mutations of Bee Shrimp in Singapore are presently "King Kong" (predominantly black) and "Red Wine" (Predominantly red) and they go for up to $300 - $400 a piece. They are not expensive because of their survivability or longevity, it's just that the cull rate and the chance for certain genetic mutations is so low that it's like playing the lottery to get a certain set of traits expressed. Additionally they are very fragile shrimp, I believe the entire stock of CRS worldwide has been bred originally from less than a dozen red mutations by the original Japanese breeder. The highest grades of CRS are incredibly inbred from this selection process and require temperatures between 23C - 26C and pristine water conditions to thrive and in some cases just to survive. It's not uncommon to hear stories of blackouts or weekend vacations and other minor mishaps wiping out entire tanks of CRS. So really, even if this specimen was worth $1500.00 (most unlikely) you might never be able to genetically select for the traits that it expresses with your own CRS, without sheer luck or an incredibly enormous investment into breeding CRS and then culling 99.999% of each of the subsequent generations.
  4. Bro, to be brutally honest (and because no one else has said it yet,) your tank is way overcrowded, I would not add anything else to the tank, and would definitely contemplate selling or giving away the Tangs as it is. Even in a 3ft tank this is a very high bioload to be attempting SPS in. What kind of filtration, sump size and protein skimmer are you running?
  5. I've also never had fully packed DI cartridges from Crystal Pro. And you can't check how full the cartridges are before you buy due to the foil packaging. The cheapest Crystal Pro refills I've seen were from Nature Aquarium (NA) in Balestier Hill Shopping Centre. I checked on refilling, but the loose resin costs more locally than buying the 2 replacement DI cartridges.
  6. I have had good experiences with Hailea chillers, they do some oem manufacturing for AquaMedic and GEX also. All models come with titanium coils, but the compressors are usually not Mitsubishi, though they are of very good quality for that price. Hailea chillers are about 1/3 or less of the price of the premium brands, Artica, Teco etc, and in my honest opinion they are great value for money. I've not had any problems with the internal temp probes, but you need to ensure your flow rate is in the recommended range or slightly higher (otherwise consider an external thermostat for around $80.) They are most likely very slightly noiser than mini fridges at worst, but not by much, I've ran two 1/10HP Haileas in my bedroom with no problem.
  7. Fuzzy

    Purple Up

    I was getting really good coralline growth with purple up, under a 150w MH. I didn't supplement any additional Mg, and was using Marine Environment with DI water for mix, it started off slowly for the first month, then it started growing quite rapidly.
  8. Ozone is a strong oxidizer, you want to be careful with it, not just with your fish, but for your own health also. You can read up more on it here: http://www.ccohs.ca/oshanswers/chemicals/c...health_ozo.html
  9. nice fish! pity I have no running tanks atm.
  10. I only have the TLF Phosban reactor left, surprised there is so little demand for it. This cute little FR is rated for tanks up to 150 Gallons in capacity! Two Little Fishies Phosban 150 FR + Unopened new 150gm jar of TLF PhosBan® Julian Sprung Marine Aquarium Formula from AM - $70.00 More info here. http://www.marinedepot.com/filters_two_lit...reactor-ap.html http://www.aquamarin.com.sg/productsDetail.asp?productid=878 ----------------- ================================================================== Reserved: ------------- Cleanup Crew - Reserved for bro Comycus Sold and Collected: ------------------------ JBJ ATO Set - COLLECTED Calcium Reactor Set - COLLECTED Reef Maniacs 2ft FR - COLLECTED Tunze 9002 - COLLECTED Red Sea Prizm Pro with brand new impeller. - COLLECTED Stevie T JBJ Nanocube Custom Cup for Tunze 9002 - COLLECTED Eheim 1046 Pump - COLLECTED
  11. Still Available: ----------------- JBJ ATO Set - $120 Two Little Fishies Phosban 150 FR set - $70 Reserved: ------------- Cleanup Crew - Reserved for bro Comycus Sold and Collected: ------------------------ Calcium Reactor Set - COLLECTED Reef Maniacs 2ft FR - COLLECTED Tunze 9002 - COLLECTED Red Sea Prizm Pro with brand new impeller. - COLLECTED Stevie T JBJ Nanocube Custom Cup for Tunze 9002 - COLLECTED Eheim 1046 Pump - COLLECTED
  12. Sheng Siong supermarket yes. I saw live mantis shrimp on sale there also.
  13. Polyart aquarium (mainly FW with a little marine) keeps stock for Seachem Purigen. And they're open 24/7. Clementi Ave 2, Block 328.
  14. Still Available: ----------------- JBJ ATO Set - $120 Two Little Fishies Phosban 150 FR set - $70 Reserved: ------------- Calcium Reactor Set - Reserved for bro Hotsoup Reef Maniacs 2ft FR - Reserved for bro Chinmo Cleanup Crew - Reserved for bro Comycus Sold and Collected: ------------------------ Tunze 9002 - COLLECTED Red Sea Prizm Pro with brand new impeller. - COLLECTED Stevie T JBJ Nanocube Custom Cup for Tunze 9002 - COLLECTED Eheim 1046 Pump - COLLECTED
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