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Posts posted by stevenkoh08

  1. I removed the market prawn yesterday which been inside the tank for 24 hours.

    Today checking out the water parameters:

    PH: 8.0

    KH: 5 dkh

    Ammonia: 0.6 ~ 0.9ppm

    Nitrite: 0.25ppm

    Nitrate: 20 ppm

    sg: 1.019 (refractometer)

    Is the parameter looks alright under 6 days cycling?

    Water looks quite clear now.

    Been added Bacteria, Calcium, PH buffer and KH buffer on day 3.

    Should i monitor the parameter or dose more?

    looks ok for now let it run now for a week without skimmer first correct for the sentence for earlier

  2. Thanks! The overflow box taken quite sometime to make.

    Still many more to learn from you all!

    The skimmer not yet start running as for now still under cycling. Check out some comments that if skimmer on during cycling will longer the cycling period.

    Wondering when should i turn it on?

    as i have said on only after you done with the market prawn don't wait too long all else your water contain too much nutrient it too late to control by then when you done with the cycle

  3. ur concept will consump more watt what i've done is change the fan motor to a ball bearing ype which can be brought from sim lim tower at 3rd floor bout four red note dismount the orginal fan from the bracket and then place the fan at the correct position thereafter drill two hole which you can mount a bolt to grib both together saw off three angle to make it round so it can fit into the fan housing

  4. this kind of setup is ok but it'll be good to have only one fan move at a time as what i know a fan that is moving inside is slow and with a fan outside is faster the out come will be the slow one will slow down the wind going though it it the same concept as you try puttin g two fan together and u try then u'll understand what i mean

  5. ATO Auto Top-off


    Automatically Replenishes Evaporated Water

    Programmable Controller with Multiple Operation Modes

    Includes 2 Float Switches

    Includes Linkable, Adjustable Mounting Brackets

    Controller Dimensions: (D) 1.5" x (H) 4" x (W) 2.75"

    Requires Pump (Sold Separately)


    Auto Top Off

    Tired of lifting heavy buckets to refill sumps or tanks due to evaporation?

    There is finally a professional grade product that automates refilling evaporated water. The All-New A.T.O. (Automatic Top Off) device is the most advanced water level controller system on the market. Lifting heavy buckets and spilling water is now a thing of the past. Maintaining stable salinity and specific gravity are no longer a problem since the A.T.O. will refill as soon as the water level drops. The A.T.O. will keep all salt levels at consistent parameters, ensuring an optimal environment for your tank inhabitants.

    Advanced Features

    Float Sensors

    The A.T.O. is equipped with (2) float sensors that activate within seconds when your water level drops and automatically refills your sump or tank until it reaches your desired set point. Each float sensor has been designed with an exterior guard preventing snails & hermit crabs from attaching to the sensors.

    Electronic Controller Module

    The state-of-the-art electronic controller allows for (2) modes of operation with a total of (3) different set up scenarios, allowing you more choices for installation for your unique set up. The compact controller also incorporates a visible LED panel + an Audible Signal alerts when in operation mode.

    Linkable Brackets

    Your professional kit includes commercial grade "Linkable Brackets" that can easily be adjusted to meet your height requirements, and securely positions your float sensors. Many competing brands use inferior suction cups that are temporary that can lead to disastrous water spillage.

    Pump Safety Protection

    The A.T.O. automatically stops power to your return pump in you reservoir, in the event that your reservoir is low on water. This safety feature prevents pumps from running dry and failing.

    last pic borrow from bro :upsidedown:syaitan




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