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Posts posted by stevenkoh08

  1. basically i think start it yourself is the cheapest of all and you also can enjoy the moments you go though it fun but do remember don't jump start on live stock that's the key

    even you get a LFS to set up for you also samething can't put live stock till your tank is mature from cycling

  2. My tank is 3x2x2, total water in tank is approximately 76 gallons. I meaured it myself :P

    I only have 1 pump in skimmer (Aquabee 2000 for a Deltec MCE600), and another pump for my canister filter (Eheim 2075). Total wattage from both is 20+16 only. Chiller is new. I have callibrated my chiller with my 2 external thermometers le

    Think I will follow your suggestions and monitor again this weekend. Hope its not a chiller problem, just my settings problem.

    Edit: pipings run from tank to canister filter to chiller to tank. All powered by the canister pump@~1250L/hr.

    seem like under power for ur chiller though the water come out is cooler but it dispes very fast as the flow is slow i may susgest you try to input a Rio pump 17 or 20 for your filter and you chiller though it will be a waste for the build in pump but if you wanna to achive better result that may requirer more time and money

  3. ya true as the smaller the tank the temp will rise fast as what u said bad ventilation ''binosage''

    comycus what is the gallon of your tank and how many pump u use?? u may try to set the temp to different by 1.5 to cut in if your target is to get a result of 27 means max 28.5 that will take longer for the chiller to cut in another thing is that condition of ur chiller example is the fan still fast enough to cool down the condenssor or is the condenssor dirty even the frt ventilation of the chiller is it block with thing??/

  4. the look will be fine. indeed it will do some goods for it which i thought before also but after considering of the flow of water back to the sump or tank the different is very minimun so if your pipe to the chiller back to your tank is not as long as 6-10 meter away there's isn't a need for that. same goes to car or house A/C you need a wide hose/pipe for your high pressure gas to pump to the valve and then it'll generate into vapor in a faster speed but ofcourse the shorter the pipe the faster the cooling

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  5. I don't have A/C in my living room hee hee

    For what i've discover that a flow of 1700-2200l pump is a idea one after i've tested alot of pump even a 3000l

    and for most of us on the chiller and the pump very constantly as this will also generate heat so what i do is i use timer to on the pump and chiller together. As i monitor the temp closely for almost 2 shaight month to know the raise of the temp and set the timer accordingly that the trick

    done a research on the net even for coral (except sps) reef tank also can go up to a temp of 29 so don't worry of at a temp of 28.5

    as for the lighting if you only uses T5 4 tube try just on it at the evening time after 4-5pm at a six hr duration only this also will help to prevent at least 0.5 of temp raise

    the timer i set at 8am to 9pm secondly at 3pm-4pm then there after 9.30pm to 10.30pm each time when it on the temp at most will be 28.8 for sure i have set the chiller to cut off at 27

    one more thing my 3ft have no bedding so sometime it took longer to cool down compare to previously i have sand bedding

    my 4ft have a 3inch bedding so the effect will be better as sand bedding will have a cooling level example hot air raises cool air drop

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