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Posts posted by stevenkoh08

  1. mmm depend of what fishes u buy from them and sometime it's depend on luck whether it'll go feeding

    as for cyanide caught most of us don't know even at time for the LFS as the supplier may not be honour for how it caught

    lastly they don't do QT like CF, but same goes to other iwarna, ML, AM, LCK, pinicle, T95, Sealife, RB, RD, aquastar they will sell it upon customer want it even though they got QT section

    but for a start they did dip their fish in the solution of yellow powder for distress and parasite for those which can't make it will just collapse in the blue tub

    not siding any LFS nor dislike any LFS is just stating the truth of life luck and patient is the key

    but just wanna ask if can u should do a proper QT first if u can't get the fish u purchase alive

    i also face all this but i in the end set up a QT tank for all fishes i purchase

    result for surviver is 95% even like

    Morish idol AM

    Queen angel LCK Carb

    mandrian T95

    those three are so call named under the hard surviver rate but i did get them to feed on pellet and greedy like pig (fat and healthy with more than a yr plus

    just to share point of view with all

  2. ya true have try alot of error before like tank crash (or something related)

    So best is to do more read up here and else where also

    i'll also ask bro here to learn and share exp

    for setup is abit of here and there with the idea of mix and match to have something of my own

    this setup seem like great but how it going to be still unknown

    but i've confident it'll work just as great as others doing (Trying to push some moral up)

  3. i'm also using this product but not on daily basic like 2 times aweek my fishes just love it been starting to use it seen 6mths back, but their main meal will stil be ON pellet

    alot of bro who up at my place before should know most of the fish are fat and timer feeding 10x daily :off:

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