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Posts posted by stevenkoh08

  1. here is the resun wavemaker which i recently got from a bro

    and there after i find out from the local guys which is on the attachment i manage to secure at a good price compare to local

    moreover also come with warranty

    take a look and pls input of interest if any, then from there will see whether can start a bulk order thread later part


    resun pump.pdf

  2. ok what i can add is good and bad bout drop in coil and stand alone chiller

    Drop in coil


    1.) faster chill down

    2.) doesn't need a feeding pump

    3.) save space on the cab or exterior

    4.) less heat in the room


    1.) Can't move around to which ever angle u want

    2.) when rebuild a new tank have to take it into cosideration

    3.) wall drilling may needed for this work

    4.) need to paid re-work on the chiller if needed to move placing of the tank

    Stand alone unit


    1.) can move around which already answer all the changing of tank or move house


    1.) more heat in the room

    2.) may need a feeding pump

    3.) chilling period may be longer

    4.) take up a small foot print depend on model

  3. all tks to u bro to make it possible now only waiting to see when free go and buy parts to mod the interval on off

    special tks to u will help u with ur ext thermostat soon k

    by the way i still own a bro here for his lighting (moonlight) :P

  4. it a 15000L/H pump DC 24v

    yes it already come with a controller but u only able to control the interval of time delay on each mode

    so u cannot choose to stay at which mode

    that the reason need to mod it however i still remain the original mode as and when i i wish to use

    with extra future i add on a timer to each mode so i can simulate the ocean like of high to low tide in every 6hrs changes

  5. The wavebox controller it done



    component use only have 3 analog timer by soundtech


    1. it stil having the ramdom phase when manually and timer not on

    2. u can have 24hr transiction period act as high tide and low tide of whatever timing u wan

    3. ha ha an interval on off (which i haven't got the switch yet)


    take a look at the pic which don't really explain much will try to upload a video once able to

  6. now my next project will be DIY a wavebox with a Resun DC pump

    1.) It'll have the timer for interval on off by speed control (How frequent of the wave)

    2.) Have a min of 4 stage of flow rate ( To have a different weak to strong wave)

  7. now my next project will be DIY a wavebox with a Resun DC pump

    1.) It'll have the timer for interval on off by speed control (How frequent of the wave)

    2.) Have a min of 4 stage of flow rate ( To have a different weak to strong wave)

  8. Hi Steve

    Notice all your power sockets are just above your sump. This could be dangerous and salt spray can be very corrosive and in no time there might be electrical short circuit within the power block. I had my tank burnt down in 2006 making this mistake (former tank been run from 1995). Very costly experience beside need to clean up the floor as it flood my hall.

    Here's what I do to my tank now (setup since 2007):-

    1. Place the power block as far as possible from the sump.

    2. All pumps cables, skimmer cables...etc are run into cable tubes if possible.

    3. Regular maintenance on the equipment include the power block by cleaning them with dry cloth.

    Just my 2 cents.

    so far after think and see around no other place can place the power block so what i do is to install a fan to on when the cabinet is in the warm period

    so like this it'll prevent any evaporation to go the the power or metal area

    i'll also do as what u said cleaning up and proper maintanace of the equipment is important

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