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Posts posted by stevenkoh08

  1. Hi, All

    I had a question in my mind for some time and hope that someone can enlighten me.

    I understand the need of wavemaker for reef tank but am thinking of the possibilty of using waterpump/powerhead to create the current in the tank.

    Ok there's a no said to use pump as wave maker but u do need to consider that pump have a direct flow in shaight angle unless u can deflect the flow to different direction or turbulance flow

    Wavemaker is quite big size for nano tank. If use pump, can get those small size one, neat and nice in the tank. able to put more also in different direction.

    there's alot of size of wavemaker on the market eg. vortec mp10 or koraila nano is so far the smallest and controllable

    Also, i visited LFS and notice that not much model of wavemaker available.

    Is wavemaker one size for all?? Or there is spec for different tank size.

    Please advise. Thank you.

    you can try Reef depot, iwarna and Aquamarin ask for assitance and tell them wat u wan they'll sure glad to help u further

  2. ok teco for the older model RA not that bad as i've use it before but it dispess alot of heat with the same spec of other chiller

    artica is too ex for me but if u wan a good brand that'll be the one then

    as for me for buying an 1/4 or 1/3 hp i'll rather buy an 1hp hailea with less than half of the price all depend on ownself

  3. ya stated 1/4hp will do just fine but resun always have a slower cooling time which also comsump high power 650w for a 1/4hp

    with such power or lower i can get a 1/2hp chiller like hailea 500a just 528w and therefor even for artica or so

    it took only 25-35min to cool down from 28-27 and rest for around 3-4hrs with rio32 - ehiem 800L - aquabee2000L - rio10

    (take note it switched on/off by ext thermostate)

    As for bro FACLAN u can use it for 3ft tank no problem just that as stated it consump high power for that hp rate

    it took me to upgrade as the loud noise when kicking in and out, i also use hc 500a for my 3ft it serve me well with just bout 20-30 min working each time

  4. it not a trick it just that after use alot of type of skimmer so far it the best setting i can get


    Reef oct


    Marine sources

    bubble magus


    it can produce dark green skimmate with the neck still look clean with a thin layer of brown slime, so u can just siphon out the skimmate and just clean wipe with a sponge (without tuning off the pump)

    And with this setting i find it kick in very fast once restart of the skimmer ( may vary depend on ur water parameter and pump)

  5. Hi SM

    here are the update of my algea scrubber being build as per ur drawing

    the pic are the growth at 14days cause of the tank is in the cyclying process so it took 14 days to see brown algea to grow


    i've done the first cleaning so now have to wait for another week to see the result

    as for info i'm using two unit and both water flow are link together with a pump and gravity feed at one end each


  6. ok u can do for fine tuning on RO skimmer is that block the air intake side completely, thereafter adjust the knob for the water level to reach 1/4 of the neck bottom and make sure it stay at the constant level.

    From there u can open the air intake fully

    this's wat my friends do and also wat i do for fine tuning and good level for most skimmer

  7. Hi all i've a Queen Angel size 4-5" From Carrib

    Brought it from LCK bout a yr plus back, at a size of only 1-1.5" for the price of S$150 as this size is hard to come by

    Nvr ever got any Disease before as have done a proper QT and care of

    Main food source are

    1. F1 and F2 O.N 8-10 time small feeding

    2. Cyclop-eeze Pellets once a wk

    3. Nori sea veg twice a wk

    Bidding price will be as follows

    Starting Bids at S$150/=

    Min increment at S$ 5/=

    Bidding Ends on 22/05/2010 as this will be the time i shifting my LS


    will try to take more clearer pic once able to

  8. what i can said when there's a sudden power leak where as we're away either it will have a power trip to all ur equipment or the fuse burn, as there's a complete circuit from ur ground probe

    if niot it'll shock all ur LS to death

    even u place it in the sump it'll still have the same problem cause the water is a link point for all current

  9. hi now i'm trying to find back a net post of the danger of having a ground probe in the tank.

    Can't seem to find it but i remember something it say it not right to have exp.

    for stray elect they are not dangerous if the circuit is not loop to any of the point,

    but if we're going to add an grounding probe it actually make a close circuit which will activate the shock.

    this explain why when our hand was put in just on the surface of the water with a slight skin expose we can feel the stray elect as our body is ground when we're not wearing any shoe.

    So for one side supply elect without another side to loop up the circuit, it won't cause any harm at all

    (it may not be all right but do it with caution)

  10. have not done the wiring and currently looking for a swee-swee box to house everything inside. hence thought of using the chiller as it is for the time being.

    if i9 happen to pass by sim lim i think i can get for u at the 1st storey

    they got sell black box or the grey box which look nice

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