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Posts posted by stevenkoh08

  1. bro just wanna ask

    wat the use when u also don't know the details to help these puppy??

    So call by u that they're abandoned??

    so do u know the shop owner that he wanna give it away??

    Pls help to verify if u able to, i'm sure alot of people will chip in and help those cute little puppy

  2. ok i've done QT for most of my delicated fish before

    1. I'll hypo it at a S.G of 1.005 - 1.010 for around 2wks

    2. Next feed it with food that u intend to let it have in ur main tank for the rest of the time u keep it (slowly it'll recognise it as food)

    3. Look out for bacteria burn in fin

    4. let it to be alone in partition (no physical contact with others fish)

    5. Drop it in ur main tank and monitor futher

  3. one thing to add

    in the no.1 inside there's two flap which is meant to be one way siphon

    it'll tends to jab once small particular flow inside and it cause some flow rate not as desire

    another is the flap will be out of shape over time( problem is if power outage u'll be unable to restart it back to siphon)

    but it kind of cheap so can buy spare to keep

    good thinking and concept for others to have an alternative

  4. _____

    Do you need to change the refugium water too?

    Can I ask for your refugium, do you use sand or refugium mud as your base bed?

    oh i don't keep sand or mud in my sump only LR and it a build box up algea scrubber

  5. Hi StevenKoh Bro,

    I see your point, as long got light the sump will grow algae.

    How often do we need to clean the sump tank?

    ya u right i do the clean every week when i clean the scrubber which is alot of more job

  6. ya patient is important i took 1mth plus to do the organise of equipment and water testing with tape water and later part bout 6wks of the cycle of the saltwater slow and steady

    u can take a look on wat i do on the tank setup

    pls don't rush to fill up water first as u may wan to rearrange alot of item and add on future for improvement ( to have lesser hazrad in the future) so call bullet prove tank

    wish u all the best and welcome to the big family

  7. tEc' date='29 April 2010 - 06:58 AM' timestamp='1272495518' post='904657']

    sps is okie with 28 as i m keeping mine with 28

    so can u share more info when the chiller cut in and cut out at which range of the temp

    my currently running at cut in at 29 degree and cut out at 28 degree

  8. Wow..! thanks so much for the article.

    It looks so "easy" to place an algae scrubber in our reeftank system,

    but there is so much more to it.

    I wonder how are our fellow reefer bros coping with their algae scrubbers in their reeftanks?

    Any bros who owns an algae scrubber would like to give their 2 cents worth of comments on their previous experience?


    i've use on my 3ft reef tank before it does serve me good no3 and po4 almost 0ppm, with less algea problem on the main tank.

    however previously i setup in the exposure of the whole sump, so the sump tank as long got lighting will have algea bloom and cleaning problem

    So i advise u to built it to a bpx up type with min light exposure like this it'll only glow within the screen in the box

    info of my previous reef tank mainly zoas but mushie doesn't really doing well in it as nutrient was relativly low

    as the artical said but not advise to have algea scrubber in an SPS tank?? how does it really affect to it maybe some others bro can advise more on it??

  9. 1) Harlequin Mania ( Larry )

    2) Jackywongto (bringing satays!)

    3) LemonLemon

    4) Ketchup

    5) Desi --> contributing Tiramisu

    6) iskay

    7) jyoon (tentative - if come will bring Sake)

    8) Ray

    9) Qiang

    10) Gouldian (Tentative will come and will bring some alcohol as well, but not safe to dose into tank ok)

    11) Binosage

    12) bugattilambo(tentative)

    13) Clam Chowder (Mervyn) - 2 bottles of vodka

    14) peacemaker

    15) Kikobananas (Tentative . Confirmation by 19th)

    16) Onizuka (Tentative)

    17) StevenKoh08 +1 + 0.5

    18) Sherman (tentative - might need to work)

    19) kanegan and spouse (Tentative)

    20) Cedricang - Most likely going

    21) Terryz - Will try to bring something along too but will avoid alcohol drink, so many ppl bring liao.

    ha ha tks Larry afternoon i'll be there once i finish my friend wed in the afternoon

  10. Hi all i've a few fishes to give away as i just shifted my tank

    Pls take as a whole

    collection on this weekends at woodlands

    1 yellow tail blue damsel

    1 tomato clown fish with extra short bar at one side, and dark patches body

    2 black damsel with yellow tip tail

    1 royal drotty back

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