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Posts posted by stevenkoh08

  1. i did consider on that but for the pump is rio10 it've been serving me more than 12mths running on & off so far no problem.

    in terms of break down it may sooner or later but i already earn back the pump amount liao, by saving the electrical bills.

    Maybe stick it to every yr change once

    22w X 18hrs x 365days / 1000 x S$0.24 = S$34.69

    or maybe 1 1/2 yr changing once will be great to get a turn over better

    but so far i been using rio with no such problem as it meant to be a strong pump, but where as power comsumption sound ok only

    Bro Vtec tks for the advice.

    But eventurelly once i done up my wavebox, i'll use a split from my return pump to feed the chiller.

    So in this way i further save somemore

    really have to do alot of planning on every step.

  2. ya i only plan to have 2unit of those and with one 12000L/h wavemaker that'll do the trick

    15000L/h x 2 = 30000L/h wavebox

    16000L/h with 1.8m headloss = 10000L/h

    12000L/h wavemaker

    total i've 52000L/h for flow

    for my tank with easily 250kg of LR for a 6ft tank and 4ft sump, the water contain inside is only bout 900L-1000L

    whereas the turn over rate for the tank and sump will be 52 times

    by right it only requirer bout only 30-40 times turn over rate for a tank, but u nvr know if u start on SPS

  3. oh sorry to add i've ended this bid cause of few reason

    1. fellow Reefer have tell me to test out first before letting go of the queen as it already so stable

    2. informed the last bidder bout it already but forgot to update (my fault i apologise)

    3. after aclim into my 6ft it seem fine and do good with my leather and SPS

    4. it my darling so far so maybe in near furture maybe consider changing the fish by than will sell it

  4. Wow, must be a lot of sweat on the piping work. Bro, is 1000l/hr enough for your chiller size?

    As for the hose and piping, you can use those computer black (or white) wiring cable covers to conceal them if you want. I use those to conceal my green ehiem hose which looked out of place in my living room.

    ya it enough for the flow, as the slower it's the cooler is the output

    as for the wire cover don't really get it can share more or pic to show

  5. Hi bro,

    Did you consider using a commerical chiller unit instead ? If you can place the compressor out of your house all the problem with the heat will be gone, and the drop in coil also chill faster thus saving some energy as well. I am also thinking about this right now especially the weather is so hot recently and make my chiller runing more often..innocent.gif

    ya i did consider of drop in coil, but the problem are i've to stick with the current set up forever till i decom

    so i can't change design of the sump and tank position ( unless do extra trunking for the a/c ) pay more also

    for the price of installing and unit it'll cost bout almost 2k for a 1hp

    per day my chiller run 1hr and rest 3hrs, so means it run 6hrs per day to maintain at 27degrees by ext thermostate

    as per kilo watt cost S$0.24 in total 0.704kw X 6hrs X 365days = 1541.76kw X S$0.24 = S$370.02per yr

    so in terms of cost for a HC-1000A = S$754 For the turn over it'll be S$2k - S$754 = S$1246 spent on the initial

    and S$1246 / S$370 = 3yrs and 5mths to get back the cost for the initail without the power comsumption of the unit yet

    HC-1000A running for 3yrs 5mths cost me S$2448.50 in total with the chiller price

    drop in unit cost me S$2370.11 for 3yrs 5mths with electrical comsumption with initial cost

    so if i'm not going to use that long for 3yrs i won't see the saving

  6. Tks bro Milch

    In the nature they only school in big enviroment, so think they really need big tank for it to school around.

    recently just added a radioactive birdnest frag to see the respond

    water parameter

    MG 1350

    CA 500

    KH 8

    the rest so far nvr test yet

    as i trust the system well for no3 and po4

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