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Posts posted by stevenkoh08

  1. Confirmed

    1) Harlequin Mania ( Larry )

    2) LemonLemon (bringing Pie)

    3) Ketchup

    4) Desi --> contributing Tiramisu

    5) DUCADOS

    6) Qiang

    7) Iskay

    8 & 9) StevenKoh08 +1

    10,11,12) Cedricang + 2

    13, 14) Goudian + 1 and 2 kids. (bringing wine)

    15, 16) Reddevilz and his girlfriend

    17) Weisheng

    18) bellinayu (belle)

    19) FuEl

    Confirm coming but don't cater food

    1) Binosage

    2) Clam Chowder (Mervyn) - 2 bottles of vodka

    Will drop by if can make it. No need to cater food.

    1) Wilsontantw

    2) Onizuka

    3) AhSiang

    4) Comycus

    5) digibee x1 (after 10 pm)

    6) peacemaker

    7) Jackywongto (with reach ard 9pm)

    8) Ray

    Unconfirmed status - please cut and paste your name to the above right section. Thanks.

    jyoon (tentative - if come will bring Sake)

    kanegan and Shinn - Most likely going

    MarcoVan (Tentative)

    Mossrope (will drop by only if jackywongto is not driving and will drink with me)

  2. but bro BFG do u have strong water surface movement if so than should be ok

    and what u say is right also but as long ur skimmer keep on working, it still able to clean up the water over the times and times

  3. in terms Ehiem is reliable for it name and product. (as to history)

    wat i know is that it'll have lesser headloss

    so if u going to have a tank of 4ft try using aquabee 7000 (if have burget)

    Even though u still can get the Laguna pump or RIO-27 and above (this two i've use before even now)

    do a good planing before start purchase item or else u'll keep on changing like what i use to do (in the end spend more than expected)

  4. i use to have a 4ft which i use to have Rio27 6000L/H wave maker

    which is not enough for me also cause of i can see the fishes start to get lazy.

    chk water parameter all ok than a ex senior reefer told me this and i try with Rio32 and 12000L/H wavemaker

    all swimming happily and eats well

    ever since then i belive on flow rate for the return pump is very important

    what bro underwater is right for return pump u need about 10 times and above liao excludeding the wave maker

  5. don't think it can bring down the temp to our desirable temp like 25-27, in our country normal heat is 30-32.

    for a 5-7 degrees Wow it gonna evaporate most of the water like 25-40% to get it right

  6. not really i've use a 16000L pump, yet using a gravity feed for the AP851 skimmer

    logic is u need to get a skimmer to meet ur needs, and from there it'll control the so call algea (abit) regardless of ur return pump

    but of all u need a good circulation in ur main tank so it'll also lessen the algea problem.

    A skimmer is the skim out those waste from the surface of water which ever went in, even u have a strong return pump or low return pump it'll still do the job well

    my is that i feed my fish 10 times a day and i'll only need to clean the glass once a week.

    but do remember the lesser water exchange the lesser oxygen, unless ur tank water surface having stronge wave

  7. Bro BFG what u've answer is kind of ???

    but for 1264 sure it not going to over power, may even need strong wavemaker if u intend to have coral.

    do a divide out to get in between 30-50 times of ur tank turn over rate.

  8. yes if u get the 170w type with 80cm in L

    it cost more like LED-G2-800-170W: SGD940

    but u get local support and 62w extra with timer controller

    compare the price is bout the same as price per watt

    best of all is that have problem just a call away

    hope to see more on the product

    if anyone here using it pls share on the output

  9. Key Aquarium LED Lighting

    Model: LED36 - Wide (72 x25cm) (+ SG$561.53)

    without shipping yet

    it have a 108W

    as for the Maxspect with the same spect of 110W cost

    LED-G2-400-110W: SGD530 already include deliverly to ur door step

    but indead the lenght is that Key one is longer but how much par it can produce in such a spread out??

    If can spend abit more for the maxspect 170W one with 80cm long one

    for LPS and softie not a problem at all

    but if you going for SPS and those with light demanding type, get 2 set the maxspect 180W type and u can have all tyoe of LS u want

    not here to promote maxspect but to do some compare, though it still a nice find out for reefer to have more choice.

    Good job bro terryz_

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