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Posts posted by stevenkoh08

  1. ya it indeed so nice to meet up with all of u the first time. Though happen to meet at some LFS before :groupwavereversed:

    Too bad my baby girl didn't come along

    maybe sooner or later we'll held something like this again??

    Think best of all next time Larry organise with contribution as well, cause everything don't come cheap.

    I don't mind for this

  2. Bro if u really wanna go for Angel ( large species )

    either u have big tank or just keep 1-2 of ur fav. that all cause in their nature they tends to fight agaist each other, even same species.

    If u're lucky enough they'll live like happy family (which is very difficult)

    By the way how's the goby i pass u yes??

  3. Wow nice gathering Larry. :welldone:

    :ThanxSmiley: For the food and hospitality

    My wife & her friend said it so nice, to join in the fun with u all especially with ur wife :friends:

    Sis Desi ur Tiramisu really very nice i'll give it a :score:

    Bro Reddevilz will see how u going to contribute to SRC when u in Perth :whistle (better not to let ur GF know :lol: )

    Cedricang remember the signal for frags :P but won't be that fast cause i'm still monitoring my tank Parameter

    Will be waiting for photo man to upload

  4. coraline algea turn green when the CA is low, but when u increase ur CA u'll start seeing it turn back to purple.

    by the way just wanna add it still coraline algea but in another form, unless it turn white than this's what we say it dying..

    Cause as previously my LR in the 3ft with CA 350 it was purple, when i transfer to my 4ft with having a CA of just less than 100ppm and it all just turn green over time..(but not green slime/hair algea)

    However when i place it to my 6ft with a CA of 500ppm it start turning purple with encrusted somemore

  5. ya seaweed indeed help

    but try to feed more on pellet those with 1 & 2 mix, it contain all the needs for it.

    i ever have one yellow tang just feed on pellet most of the time, and it fat and deep yellow

  6. it'll have abit of different but won't be that much.

    main thing is that the motor may last longer, and the wave may also have a better direction of flow.

    and those better one will be those DC type which able to control

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