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Posts posted by stevenkoh08

  1. oh ok but how it come about from algea scrubber :ooh:

    Where as all my rocks been with me almost 2yrs, with only Saltmix was use???

    moreover all go by filter wool (3 layers)

    oh ya did mix with dead rocks as well......

    by the way does it do any harm to LS (coral & fishes)

  2. For aftersales customer service i vote for singtel

    Reason: when u lose ur phone or sim they able to bring the sim card to ur door step on the same day

    For best offer i vote for starhub

    Reason: they able to do an advance upgrade for u in order to get a replacement phone best of all their price are cheap

    As for M1 don't really know bout them but their plan line are cheap due to long term u save on the plan

  3. Probably they were shock! I happen many time to me. Recently, i bgt 3 large fire shrimps and 2 large cleaner shrimps, just with 10mins, my Queen finished them all. $75 gone in 10mins. Should have go to GV for movie.

    ha ha bro 75 dollars give my girl buy milk better in exchange i give u pellets

    by the way shrimp are sensitive u need to not only slowly acc. also need to chk ur water parameter also

  4. bird nest is doing well

    however when i changing water i left one frag out of water for more than 1 1/2hr, it turn white and than brown slime over it :cry2:

    lucky it able to survive and now in the recovering process can start to see the polyp start to extend out again

    sorry cause of lousy carmera can't take it pic

    will update of it condition once got hold of good cam

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