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Everything posted by baileys0

  1. Bro, how old is your 1262 pump? eheim warr for 3 years right?
  2. Now, how much salt for a 4x2x2.5 tank?

    1. Milch_Tan


      hey bro u upgraded?

    2. baileys0


      yeah bro, now the hangon skimmer doesnt fit haha

    3. Milch_Tan


      haha, not surprised man! hope to c ur new tank soon! do post a tank thread by then bro! :)

  3. Looking for good condition eheim 1262. Budget around $100. Prefer to deal around Sengkang area. Drop me a sms if you are selling. 91261986
  4. Bro, i will take it. Can you help to arrange for delivery at your convenience? Just let me know the date and time.
  5. 5) Solite 150watt Clip on MH $75 Any bulb? what k?
  6. Looking for a Hang on Skimmer, let me know if you are selling. NineOne261986 Budget less than $100
  7. Serangoon North ave 1 , Happypaws...;p I use Soildgold brand, cheapest you can find.
  8. Is the flow rate thru the chiller important if you are using ext thermostat?? Can i use a lower flowrate when my chiller requires a higher flow when using ext thermostat??
  9. ANy idea how much SGbro will charge for delivery??
  10. I think there is a device from hmfix that will sms you if there is an intruder. Guess you can start from there. ;p
  11. Bro, i take your tank and cabinet, pls sms me collection address 91261986
  12. Bro, what is the thickness of your tank?? The blue background, can it be remove??
  13. Interested in 10) 3-stage DIY Deionised water filter (normal filter, carbon filter, resin filter). Give away ~3Kg of resin and 2 rolls of normal filter) Selling together with TDS meter. $120 I have about 3~5Kg of LiveRocks to give away. Mostly medium size to large pieces. Total about 4~6 pieces. First come first take. 1 anemone to give away. Dr Seafish Marine Test Kits to give away as well. Where to view and collect?? 91261986
  14. Looking for a 2 ft stainless steel stand. Please sms me at 91261986 if you have one for sale. Thank you.
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