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Everything posted by tench1

  1. The funny thing is, my urchin, basically pick up zoas frag and even bubble algae onto itself. haha its kinda cute as well! Personally, mine doesnt eat the green algae.
  2. So long as you dnt burst the bubble, it shouldnt multiply.
  3. Bino, thx for the comforting words. I will be careful with that deadly creature. Wondering whether its a time bomb...anyone have any comments? My corals are doing pretty well today! Esp the zoas. Most had shown their beauty except my gsp. Mayb its position aren't perfect.
  4. Bro Ray, it had been a tough sunday morning wor...Yes i did. Lucky i got my brother to help me. Else, i think i will be on MC today. hahaha Yes, dipped, blown with wavemaker, and invert and shake...EVEN those LRs! haha
  5. Thanks jacky, indeed, we learnt from our mistake and will be more careful next time round. With regards to this incident, i would like to take this opportunity to share how deadly carpet anemone can be. Guys, please take some precaution when you are rescaping your tank with C.A. lying somewhere in your tank. It is just like a deadly spiderweb, when your fishes got trap in its tentacles and thats it... Yup, will be getting some Yellow Warrase from LFS.
  6. Done...CoralRx almost 80% of the stuff. Today, only managed to find 1 x nudi. (Destroyed) But sad to say, due to the rescape, i had lost a beloved purple fire-goby. How and why? All my fault for scarying it till he got caught by the carpet anemone... So sad... Haizzzzz
  7. you 2 made every reefer's day filled with smile. wahahaha. Jacky, yes its underflow...toking abt that make my blood boil.... Yes. there is filter wool after the underflow. Which collect debris and poo... And also a tunze skimmer remove nitrate. And not to forget, a handful of growing chaeto.
  8. kidding wor, dont take it to heart to reduce the use of wave maker, i use a higher flow of return plump. But problem is, there are areas in the nano that were covered by the return waves. hence, lotsa poos and debrises were lying around :S
  9. Hahaha, Jacky the poo-watcher! I also saw zoas poo, black slimey jelly...eeee BTW, i witnessed the reef version of " drag me to hell " yesterday! upon feeding my plate coral with a dead fresh water fish, all the "hands" were dragging the 1/2 inch body to the "hole"! Spectacluar!
  10. Hi Jacky, Noted. YOu are right. its just the hammer pooing. Kinda 'lucky' that i get to see it in action. hahaha
  11. I hav orange mushroom to trade u. How many frags u want?
  12. Again, another Nudi caught resting on my pink zoas frag... Removed another 4 big nudis roaming around as well....
  13. Issit? My urchin had one little bubble carried on its back...together with other corals.... It didn't seems to clear my g.bubbles. Side track, my urchin ate the pure algae on my tank wall...I'm so pisssed with it...
  14. Yup, terrible algae. Remove the rock 1st, be4 scaping them off. Else will spread like wild fire in ur tank.
  15. Ray, that's a power equation. That will save some saltwater as well! Ya guys, i do know that RX shouldnt be done in the main tank. Thanks for the reminder. Yeap Jacky, i do share same thoughts with you regarding the sump and chaeto. It will be a waste of good stuff inside.
  16. How about the sump? hahaha Do i have to coral Rx them as well?
  17. Jacky, I will do my best and let u all know the outlook next week. PS: How about chaeto? Do i have to dip as well? Just wondering how to remove the pest within the thick bunch of grass. Ten
  18. Thanks Jacky, will be doing that over this weekend. I believe that's part of the process of reefing. hahaha Enjoying the process of re-scaping as well. In my opinion, i do not have to remove the Anemones for dipping. Do you agree? Ten
  19. Wat's the brown jelly? The Jelly thingy came out. Look like waste to me from the hammer. Can any1 second that?
  20. Guys, just got myself a hammer. Seems abit funni today. See below pictures taken... There seems to have threads emerging from the centre of the hammer coral. What is it doing? Melting? I doubt so. Need comments...
  21. Ray, for your offer! They had been moving ard in my tank for weeks... And conditions arent as bad. I will get a bottle of coral Rx and settle them by this week. Does introducing hermit helps?
  22. Thanks Guys! For all the advices... Its kinda complicated to remove all corals and Coral RX them... This will be a major project! Tentively, i will manually remove any spotted Nudibranches where i can reach. Alternatively, searching for Yellow coris Wrasse to remove these pest... I have to search for their eggs 1st before doing any major exercises... Here are some of the pictures of the nudibranches i removed. Hope that this will help fellow reefers as well to ID these pest. View from their top. Another view from their bottom side... Guys,i dont think Lemon bro meant anything bad. Just that with consideration on many other corals, perhaps, thats the easiest way of solving the problem. Instead of having the whole "boat" sink, remove the cargos etc... Lets focus on solving the pest issue instead. Recommandation from Mark Martin; An effective treatment can be to use a product such as Salifert Flatworm Exit. This product is quite safe to both fishes and invertebrates and can be used in a reef tank. To use Flatworm Exit, turn off your UV sterilizer and ozone, and remove activated carbon from the system (keep your protein skimmer turned on). Add one drop of Flatworm Exit for every gallon of system water it in a high flow area of the tank (a cap full is good for 90 gallons). Flatworm Exit will NOT kill zoanthid-eating nudibranch eggs, so you should repeat the treatment again in one week to kill all of the newly hatched adults. - Anyone tried this method before? - Please comment Cheers! Ten
  23. Help help!!! My tank is infested with nudis... And I had personally caught one on top of my pink zoas frag, after removing, the frag that was 'touched' by the nudi, didn't open up since lunch time. Are there any ways/methods ti remove them? Save my tank.... Ten
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