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Everything posted by tench1

  1. Oh man! Sad to hear that. I had this experience before twice for my 2 x 4 ft Fresh water tank. Both was a distrastous experience, having to hear "water-fall" while sleeping soundly in wonderland. Upz for you!
  2. Mopiko, thx, i read that thread earlier as well. Do you care to share your set up in a photo? Hows your nitrate level currently?
  3. Hi Dkk08, Myunderstanding, Yes it does help. I am in the midst of gathering info and materials for it. After studying so many sucess stories with Algae Scrubbers
  4. Well, that didnt come across my mind once Bro underwater, as i am a fish lover. My previous 4ft had much more fishes (Tangs esp) comparedto my current stock. They were doing pretty well though, but had a mishap during the transfering process... I had no intentions to stock up any more LS, and hope that the water parameters can improve further for me to introduce other corals... Anyway, thanks for your advice.
  5. I knew Comycus, i have to wait 15 days before my next dose, and to check for nitrate levels. Hence, now i can only change water and DIY algae scrubber, while waiting long long long..........
  6. Thanks Sherman Bro for your advice, as for sulphur denitrator - i have to read up and consider the cost and space Thanks Fuel bro, the Biofilter material is good stuff for beginner like myself. Understood more about the baterials and their purpose. I have to re-consider vodkha method already. Ten
  7. lemon, time to invest in a DSLR!!!
  8. Checked, i have no pure vodkha 40%, only with apple, orange favor. (both 40%) Can i add vodkha with favor? Please advice... Instead, i had added a dose of Bio-clean. Nitrate before dose is still sure red... >100ppm
  9. Jacky, Sure do man. But i m pretty sure that it will still be >100ppm... The water parameter never failed to disppoint me.. Ten
  10. Always know that Lemon is good with corals and fishes
  11. Rocky Bro, Thats a good reference reading for vodkha dosing. THANKS! Will go back and check my vodkha collection this evening. If the % is just right, i will try this method. Ten
  12. Comycus bro, thanks. Theory wise, it does make sense, but it can be rather expensive to dose bacterial all the time. haha
  13. True, they are a bunch of hungry fishes, that can even poop while eating... 1. Skimmer - using DeLtec Skimmer Ap851 2. Sponge - yeah, will change every week 3. Reduce feeding - Will feed every AM and PM, twice a day 4. Wavemaker - Had 3 x Tunze Wavemakers in it for blowing the dead-area 5. Refugium - growing chaeto in my sump, had grown slightly since 1 month ago 6. Algae Scrubber - DIY project in process 7. Water Change - Improving from once weekly to twice weekly. I welcome all cents/dollars advices! Keep them coming!
  14. Yeap, had dosed a couple times of the microbacter +, when the tank was still cycling... After fishes were introduced, stopped dosing. Can i still dose after fish input?
  15. Not really that big Jacky, the biggest so far is my Blue Tang, close to 5 Inch. The Rest are pretty small. - Feeding had been cut down from 3 times to 2 times daily. (Once in the AM, once in the Evening) *They are forever hungry... - For more regular water change, im gg to try this week. increasing water change from once to twice... - Bio-balls were not present. Sump are filled with polyfilters,live-rocks and hermits. - Had heard bad reviews from some reefers that using De-nitrate does help, but after a period of time, if stop using, NO3 will increase.
  16. Hi all fellows Reefers! I have headache with my 5ft Tank... The nitrate level is >100ppm (Tested withSalifert Nitrate (NO3) Profi Test) Super redish result... Currently, these are my beloved pets living in it. 1. 1 x Sohal Tang 2. 1 x Naso Tang 3. 2 x Yellow Tangs 4. 2 x Purple Tangs 5. 1 x Sopras Tang 6. 1 x Unicorn Tang 7. 1 x Blue Tang 8. 1 x Emporer Angel 9. 1 x Regal 10. 2 x Wrasses 11. 3 x Nemo Crowns 12. 6 x Damsels (Blue and yellow) 13. 3 x Hermit crabs 14. 1 x Starfish 15. 1 x Doc wrasse Currently growing chaeto in sump, and weekly changing of salt-mixed water doesnt seems to help much reducing the No3 Level... Kindly drop me your valuable comments...to solve my problem. Regads, Ten
  17. True, Powder Tangs cannot take the beauty of another same species...hahaha My advice is to stop feeding Bamboo for a while, use garlid guard on some small pallets... Attach it to eat the pallets.
  18. Let me try feeding at least once a week for a start. Then i update again. Lets me see how the polyp consume their food!
  19. Now the challenge is to feed them with mini solid food. This is something that i have to overcome. Any advice how many times a week? or once every day? (That will be super tiring...) considering the method suggested by Boxer Bro.
  20. Nope, i have 2 x Wave maker infact. The Tunze one is still powered on. while the other that is blowing near the Jewel, is off. And infact, last nite, i did a test. The Extention is infact longer when i only power on 1 x WaveMaker!!
  21. Actually, it extended longer when i off the wavemaker
  22. Hi All, there is the latest picuture i have of my jewel. Seems like it prefer mid-range to the bottom. And the wave at this position is medium flow. At this position, the polyps are much longer extended. Im currently feeding my tank with Purple up and Coral Fluid. Is it sufficent nutrients for it? Any recommandation of food that i must add? Thanks Boxer and lemon bros for the advice so far
  23. Thanks Lemon, Let me try and feedback again
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