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Everything posted by tench1

  1. Collected by a nice bro. Do show post some pic for me when it settled down in urs Admin - You may close this thread thanks
  2. How about the price of the bubble coral? how much for a small one? - pm me thanks!
  3. Ya, no choice...Since cant have it in my office tank, and its too big for my 24G, i rather let it go to others that can...
  4. Regal, if buyer back out, i let ya know
  5. Heres the pics i took out from another thread of mine. Here it goes... Heehee, my beauftiful elegance! Front view 1 Front view 2 Side view 1 Side view 2 Zoom in View Lightins were from LEDs
  6. Anyone interested? This baby arent suffering from any disease. Hence, for those that have a bigger tank space, you are welcome! Trying to find a better home for it.
  7. Your tank have snail? If yes, the sound, should be from it by turning itself and its shell hiting the glass wall. Saw and discover the culprit.
  8. Pmed. Btw, Viewing in West Coast. Only during Weekend. Pm me for more details.
  9. Hi Guys, Got this beauty and it had been with me since 9th of March. Reason for selling - Space constrain, i have to let it go sadly... This beauty has approx 7+ mouth (didnt really count it.) Length when semi expanded, 6" (Moonlight mode), 7"+ when under normal lights. I would expect buyer to have the following condition before asking for it; 1. Tank with sand bed. 2. expect to place in space of a diameter of 8~10"inch 3. Low flow-rate at sand bed area 4. Need Tank that can maintain at least 28degC. I have no price in my mind yet. Do PM me your desired buying price. Disclaimer: Sales based on FCFS, and i deserve the rights to decide whom to give to. Viewing is welcome, however, subjected to my schedule. Thanks for viewing! Ten The history and pictures can be viewed here Some readings can be found here as well
  10. Hey, no worries! In fact, its actually too big for 24G. Didnt expect it to expand so much. Anyone wants a healthy Elegance? haha
  11. No touching of rocks.... Hmmmm (This i cannot achieve) My small tank doesnt have the space required then....
  12. REALLY?! Wow! Thats a piece of good news! woo hoo! Thanks Justin!
  13. Hi Guys, i need advice from you all... My True Perc Juniors are suffering from black spots on their orange portion body. Any reason? Whats the cause? worried....
  14. Thanks Just. Its doing very well now. When fed with mkt prawn, it expanded even more!
  15. Eniram, Whats the reason for shifting, esp when its behaviouring well and 'happy' at the spot? PS: mine is Barebottom. Lotsa Zoas frag at bottom
  16. Heehee, my beauftiful elegance! Front view 1 Front view 2 Side view 1 Side view 2 Zoom in View
  17. I am using a AB2000 for my 2 by 1 by 1 Nano in office. The wave is ....... WOW!! No need wavemaker. But the negative is that, i cant have elegance coral in my tank
  18. Easy tricks that i have tested and proven. Nothing fancy and "storeless"... 1.) Size You must 1st settle for a much bigger/fiercer new Tang that you want to add, when you have existing tang in your tank. example. Existing YT 1", you must select equal or bigger tang when adding. Ie, 1" or Bigger PT. or a fiercer Sohal tang smaller than YT. This is subjectives to individual character and fitness of each tang. Size of tank also important. 2.) Territorial Tangs are territorial. They will vent off any intruders esp similar species. Personally, i have a much smaller Brown tang that will fight off YT and PT that intruded into its territory. Hence, before adding new Tangs, be it smaller or gentler, change the territoral scape. Then add the new member(s). Take this chance to rescrape! 3.) Health Health of new member(s) have to be good as well. Even if its a fiercer species, if it cannot substain, nothing else to say. Test whether its eating or not at LFS 1st. Test with the food that you normally feed in your own tank.
  19. guys! Show me ur elegance! I take 29
  20. Yea, the key to it, is the wave movement. In my office tank, the wave was terrible, even when at bottom.
  21. Siang, mine is pink-tip. Now i dont dare move it le since the position seems destinated to be its resting ground. . . But, in deed, its really huge when fully Bloomzzzz
  22. Good news! When i got home just now, my Elegance bloomzzzz! Wooo hoooo ! Thanx for all the advice given! Guess, luck is on its side!
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