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Everything posted by tench1

  1. haha, thanks for the poison bro...
  2. larry, haha thanks for your compliment. Im using google sketch. You might want to try this out. Well, DSB arent for me. im not gg into sand in the sump. Just be growing chaeto and bamboo. 2 x return pump? i think i just add another wavemaker in the display, so that i can point/direct the flow i want in a certain direction. Return pump cant do that.
  3. absolutely no idea, did all i could do, acclimitised them, they actually feed but after a few days, found them lying all over the place and become food for my corals.
  4. Sad to say, only 1 made it so far...
  5. Red-orange mushroom buyer made a mistake -.-" item back on sales, upz
  6. After the central overflow, the water runs down to my sump. Key Objectives of my sump; 1. Mechanical Filter (Filter Sock, Live Rocks, Bio Homes, Carbon/PO4 remover) 1.1. Chiller Pump Area (!/5 HP chiller) 2. ATI BM 250 Skimmer (To maintain water level for constant skimming.) 3. Holding area / Aclimisation area for new Fishes or Frags 4. Refuge Area for growing Chaeto / Bamboos /pods, Further reducing nitrates and other nutrients (4xT5 2ft Hopar Lights for providing artifical sunlights) 5. Return Reservior, housed a Eheim 1262 6. Freshwater Reservior for Auto-TOPup to Return Resevior (Hence, keeping constant Return Reservior level) Note: Currently not planning to use FR or other equipments, as budget is damn low, and to opt for 2nd hand equipment to save the earth. Heres the illustration..
  7. Planning 2 x DIY wavebox. Also, the main theme is to hide all unsightly pipings. Hence i come up with this design.
  8. My Reefing log! ~ all are welcome! Keep the comments coming! Currently in planning and design stage, would like to share my thoughts. Feel free to drop any msg or comment. Would love to hear from diff views/angles. Initial idea was to do a 3ft by 3ft by 2.5ft tank with sump tank. But after thinking through, perhaps, 3ft by 2.5ft by 2ft will be sufficent to have a reef tank. The display area will be 3x2x2. and the remaining .5ft will be for hiding all my pipes and overflow to sump partition. Enough of saying, i had done up a sketch, influenced by SiS Ming, as per attached below; Design 1 Design 2
  9. The plate is doing well, just fed it with shrimp this am. Another addition over the weekend. Introducing, Copperband Butterfly! Very gentle fish that got bullied constantly by little Yellow Tang. But its doing pretty well, nipping away on my LRs.
  10. After seeing lilo's Tank, i cant help to resist the templation of this orange beauty!
  11. amazing as well after the change! however, imo, after u remove the red-tube, the orange and red colors arent as striking as before. What do you think?
  12. Nice Zoas! Too bad my tank arent ready... Upz for you!
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