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Everything posted by tench1

  1. I used to deter my CO from gg HK, Suddenly, i want to go !!
  2. TEST LOG Days: 19 PO4 - 0.25 (Dropped from 2, after adding Phosplock) NO3 - 5 (Increased from 0) NO2 - <0.25 NH4 - 0.25 (Dropped from 1) SG - 1.024
  3. Eh, So is it a RBTA or Touch Coral? heehee im confused. ;P The Tomato Clown must be trying to adjust its territory, thats why keep disturbing your corals. But its a nice move to shift the zoas, but be careful, as if the RBTA grows, your zoas will be affected..
  4. Update from AM; -Clams -Mushroom corals expected to arrive tonight
  5. Regal angels are more sensitive to deteriorating water conditions than many other marine fish but they don’t have special requirements as far as water parameters. A reef-type aquarium is ideal because it provides the rocky reef structure that the fish requires to feel secure. Combining regal angelfish with corals is always a risky proposition, but they are generally “safer” than most other Pomacanthids and even most Centropyge species. If a regal is going to pick on corals, it is usually confined to a particular coral or type of coral. The decision then becomes which do you want more, the regal or the coral. Regals generally ignore Acropora species but have been reported to pick on certain large-polyped stony corals such as Trachyphyllia or certain soft coral such as Xenia. Regal angels that are well-fed are less likely to explore the aquarium for alternate sources of food. Attracted from ; http://www.advancedaquarist.com/issues/aug2002/Fish.htm Hmmm its a real challenge to have Regal with corals...
  6. Something to add on; - for T5 lightings, i used 4 tubes for 2 by 1 by 1. (2 x A.Blue, 2 x Aqua Blue) 11hrs straight. This work for my nano in office.
  7. Mike, i totally agree! I just love Monti too! They are easy and lovely to watch as they grows... Next time got frag, pm me
  8. Lol, im trying to convince her to allow me to continue with the 24G temp tank, as my zoas tank. But still in progress...worst case, sell off the regal. Haha
  9. What should i do? To choose between my zoas collection and wife's favourite fish Grey Belly Regal... I cant keep that cutie in my tank...IT WILL EAT UP ALL MY ZOAS! Tested today, and its feasting the zoas colony happily... What should i do?
  10. Nice gsp! Planninf to get something else?
  11. Wow! Nice AT you have there! Cool pink Anemone, surrounded with zoas and Octo you have there! Whats the name call?
  12. Nice Tank there! Same color as mine! with the scape. MP10 indeed too weak for your tank size... You need to look into this area when you start stocking up... Keep the pictures coming!
  13. Oni, ...It gave very urinated color wetwet skimmate... Its been 2 weeks since the day i start cycling...NH4 had shot up... NO3 and NO2 still 0.... Last day of 2010, i wish all reefers happy new year and a good reefing 2011 year ahead! Huat ah!
  14. GO still have lotsa nice looking corals... at special price of 3 for 10 red notes. Upcoming shipment no news yet as the shop still have lotsa stocks.
  15. Nice Thread Wilson! Will be coming here, if im into SPS
  16. Introdicing, my new fantastic toy! ATI BM250!!!! Mechanised by 2 pumps Skimmate Holder.. After only 5 mins of operating... Look at the BUBBLES!!
  17. LOLz, its fit lor FTS as of 22nd Dec.^^ (Pardon the messy-ness, 2 many stuffs from office tank.)
  18. Update; completed office tank migration。now my 24g at home look so packed like matured tank! Tot I lost my yellow wrasse, but it surfaced this am. Phew!
  19. More pic!! Thats alot of big rocks!
  20. This hole take away all unwanted sound!
  21. Wow! yours have a different blue tone! Nice! Lolz, sure, we can do that later not now. Waiting for them to grow more 1st.
  22. Bio-magnet clarifier Should i add this?
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