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Everything posted by onizukaa

  1. gratz weesy! another deltec bro haha
  2. any 1 brought extra and want to let go. let me know.
  3. ain't this the april fool joke set by AT ?lol
  4. bro it's like that, everyone will get knock on the starting. the tank can keep zoas and some shrimps will be best. Any1 know where to get live black sand?lol i think it's really beauitful to have black sand as the substrate. all the best to your IQ3 bro!
  5. i last seen at ahbeng at paris ris farm is around $65
  6. wah bro. that kinda sad. hope you come back and get over it soon!
  7. bro your wireless,which is the preferred network. can go 1) start -> settings -> control panel -> network connection. 2) Right click on wireless -> properties 3) Go wireless network tab you will see the preferred network. try move WirelessSG to the top. hope it helps.
  8. i buy from iwarna sometimes when going there to see fishes/corals. 1 gold coin per packet around 20+litres to fill one bucket. 2 blue notes to fill up your tank and they will deliver to you if i am not wrong. dangers is that you're not sure whether there's alot of parasite / other things that may harm you,therefore try to use the NSW from the LFS you trust~ dont think it's really safe to take from the beaches as there's so many junk unless you are at out sea. my 2 cents above. hope it helps
  9. ok. currently, live rocks in first compartment flow to red bamboo with 7000k 15W FL lighting around 16 hours flowing through skimmer pump and uv pump -> seachem seageL -> return pump. getting more plants to plant to export the nutrients.maybe mangrove. however need to measure haha as it might be too tall.
  10. ahhh...lol you should tell me earlier ma haha. bite the bullet and brought it. hmm i tested out the salt mix with tap water, nitrate is around 10.. so i think i will also do more freq water changes. thx bro
  11. Brought $88. Selling $70 [nett]. Used half a year with half a year more WARRANTY! Condition 9/10. Comes with original box. Selling cos upgraded tank. dont need it anymore. Interested pm me. collection clementi. suitable for 2 feet and below, providing wide random flow then tunze [one directional flow] Specs as below: Koralia is a new innovative range of aquarium circulation wavemaker pumps. High performance, low energy consumption! The unique patented magnetic support allows free and secure positioning anywhere in aquariums with glass up to 15 mm thick. Flow rate: 2300L/h 4.5W
  12. wow ok, glad to hear that.lol i dont want it keep peck and peck then die like doctor wrasse thanks bro for the input!
  13. Have noticed that the juv emperor i brought 2 weeks ago is nipping on purple tang, the purple tang slows down and open it's fin like when doctor prawn / cleaner wrasse is cleaning it. Any1 experience it before?
  14. Erm.. sharing my experience and letting other reefers know about this [not trying to flame, just sharing] Went to the shop beside Qianhu to shop, thinking that the shop might have been better. went into the shop, choosed a few lifestock, a guy [young chap] came and help to put the fishes into the small bag. he took around erm.. 10 minutes to pack a few fishes, i went back to take a look, normally, when turning the rubber band to tie up the plastic bag, they should turn the rubber band in circle.. instead of TURNING THE BAG IN CIRCLE, the livestock i purchased just went through a tsunami.my heart sank and am quite affected by how unprofessionally my lifestock is packed. went home after paying, and 1 x bag is deflated, tried to acclimate a while and it doesn't look good. tried putting in and you all should picture how it end. it's not about the price of the fish [thought it's a few more dollar higher then pasir ris], it's how the livestock is handled. Am really turn off and affected by it, will NEVER EVER go patronized the shop again.
  15. new profile! can only send message currently as i think it's still W.I.P. How come the fast reply can't work anymore. or is there any steps i miss haha
  16. haha nice bro, am using pipe. so the lose might be more then yours' however water's good... keep pumping.
  17. ahh, just call coralfarm, the operator said she dont know anything and to call tomorrow. x_x
  18. yellow belly regal. one smallish sized one. about 2-3 inches. still have the occelated spot on the dorsal fin. onizuka, u should check it out. <-- dont snatch from me! i calling auntie liao and thx lemon for the wonderful field report, can be recce team for army and reporter for CNN. give us reefers info so we wont make a wasted trip!
  19. bro, at your sump. whats your filtration method. know that you have a insump deltec skimer, how does the water goes from the display tank to the sump then to the return. your tank is getting nicer and nicer!
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