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Everything posted by onizukaa

  1. i be home around 7.30pm. let me know if you still want.sms me (i think you got my number)
  2. bro it's mainly for reducing nitrate <-- the intention of getting it. however it really reduces nitrate (with mangrove) from over 100+ no3 -> 50 (yes with prodibro bacteria and water changes) cos mines a TANG tank.. but.. getting this chaeto, really cultivates alot of pods.. last time before getting the chaeto, 0 pods. now it's really alot alot,can see them swimming around the glasses. so the chaeto is working for reducing nitrate and cultivating of pods for my doctor wrasse. maybe can get one mandrain inside the sump haha
  3. bro you using the container for chaeto? if the flow of the return to the chaeto container is strong, chaeto might die.. Last time my sump no wavemaker and i put one in, few days later, the chaeto which is growing turns white.. after removing the wavemaker with very little flow, the colour turns back to normal green..
  4. az-no3 reserved pending collection Left: Tunze 6045 NEW Wavemaker - $130 pm me to deal
  5. i think there's a previous thread about it being 1.5 per piece and it will up lorry after a few days..hmmm you can do a search on it
  6. ops, i miscalculated, more then 20+ per rock haha last 1 pm me to deal
  7. 10+ poly each $5. Self collect Clementi interested pm Quantity: 2
  8. wow, hmm whats the rate for CF rocks. how much $ / kg
  9. internested in your watchman goby, what does it eats?
  10. hey guys, dont bother dropping by LCK201 this week, they have all the old stock.. and the display tank all empty, only at the quarantine tank inside have the remaining fishes. but still got many 1. peppermint shrimp 2. very small and cute yellow tangs 3. blood shirmp 4. few cleaner shrimp 5. 2 AT (small) <-- i think 6) fox face etc but next week got shipment.. cheers
  11. Given to a nice bro, thanks! Mod kindly close thread! xie xie
  12. reef safe not reef safe i not sure.. it's 5-6 inches i hope i dont need repeat myself.... it's big
  13. it's a 5-6 inch body size lobster.. it's for marine tank not fresh water, upz
  14. INFO: http://www.liveaquaria.com/product/prod_di...&pcatid=546 Reason of giving as making way for new project. Bring your own pail, interested pm me hopefully can give out today
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