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Everything posted by onizukaa

  1. chief, will the gallery be viewed by all src members or only our "small club" members only..
  2. live near u, if you dont mind giving i am willing to collect haha. will give way to students
  3. i fully agree with what bro jacky aka indian chief mentioned. support you~ huat ar !!!! great zoas sharing for nano tank reefers like us need this, esp when purchasing colony of zoas that we love but have no space for it =.= upupupupupup~~
  4. saw those with naked eye, nice corals!
  5. kiko~ hows the black black yuma .. hehe
  6. makes me wanna go diving sometime to admire the underwater world.. to see the real marine.. anyway sentosa is making marine life park. there i think can dive.. alternative for some bros out there~
  7. i want only zoas/ric/yuma smal small frag for my nano, indian chief + doramon peter faster~ jiayou and let us know~
  8. really hope that, the marine industry (farming of fishes / corals) for sale, wont destory this beautiful ocean. nice post~
  9. Orange Yuma LR @ 20 sgd (appx. 10 polyps on LR) <-- to the person who brought this can frag and sell me 1-2 polyps? sorry joe up for your sales~
  10. even reborn got youtube link (video) for the western devil. link : mod if it's not suitable here you can remove it (with thanks)
  11. hmm, when under white light, it's black and white~ will try to take pic of it under white light tml.. ty ~
  12. fast hand fast leg + fast additional of $$ LOL.. nice move~ gratz~
  13. Technical Data: • Skimmer pump: 1 AquaBee 5000 needlewheel • Power consumption: 37W • Air intake: 1000 l/h • Method of feeding: Gravity or feed pump • Feed rate: max. 1500 l/h Dimension: • L 418 x W 345 x H 655mm • Feed inlet Ø (mm): 19/27 flexible hose • Return outlet Pipe Ø (mm): 50 • Skimmer body Ø (mm): 200 For Aquariums: • Normal stocking - 1500 litres • Heavy stocking - 750 litres Installation: • Can be installed in-sump or out-sump sm200 is quite good seeing the specs, however never use before, but AP851 on 5 feet tank which i am using,skimmed out quality and thick skimmate 2 days after cleaning. (dry skimming)
  14. AP701 Specs: Capacity: Normal Stocking: 1300 litres Heavy Stocking: 900 litres Pump: Eheim 1260 Total Power Usage: 52 watts Air Intake: 950 L/H Water Throughput: 1600 litres per hour Dimensions: Length: 375mm Width: 306mm Height: 575mm Cylinder: 200mm Input/Return Pipe: Height: 262mm/262mm Input/Return Union: 19mm/25mm AP851 Specs: •Can be stood either in or beside a sump or beside the aquarium. •Can be gravity or pump fed (supply pump not supplied). •Water throughput - 1000 lts/hr, (222 UK gallons/hr). •Installation kit - item 88052. •600 litres of air/hr are produced at the venturi. Dimensions: •L 390mm W 310mm H 800mm (allowing for removal of the cup). •Hard pipe connections - Supply - 32mm Return - 50mm •Skimmer body - 200mm diameter •Riser tube - 90mm diameter Stocking: •Normal Stocking 1500 lts (333 UK gallons) •Heavy Stocking 1000 lts (222 UK gallons)
  15. yup it's suitable, but however pls take note that it's very tall and lucky my cabinet fits leaving (few cm of space) =.=
  16. After you upload it, you need to click manage current attachment and a line will come out. preview it to see whether you want the correct placement of the picture.
  17. steven, SM replied as off: As per the guideline above, 250 square inches (1563 square cm) = 10 X 25 etc. 125 watts minimum. 250 watts is high. That's why you go by watts, not size.
  18. wah, LOL so zhun, onz tml i go buy 4D try luck hehe. nice tank in the making bro! seeing you grab all the nice zoas in pasar malam now, frag me some leh HAHAHA. jiayou bro!
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