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Everything posted by onizukaa

  1. lol looks like he buy the item from the hammer shop to add on defense.. super cute!
  2. wah bro really need to take care man, not worth hurting yourself over this. the 12G tank i had with stand, i moved it with one more person filled with half filled water, 24G is super heavy!!!!!! ask someone move with u in the future. hope you get well soon
  3. chief, our happiness is in your mouth.... doraemon ask shan leh
  4. any 1 going US ? so much more easier to get those "nice corals that i saw online" then in singapore.
  5. zz read the footnote highlighted by doraemon.
  6. http://www.ava.gov.sg/InformationForTravellers/BringOrnamentalFish/index.htm Quote from the above web: -- The import of the following does not require an AVA import permit if the amount of import falls within the personal allowances listed below. Please note that for CITES-listed species, you are still required to apply for a CITES permit before import. Imports of quantities exceeding the personal allowances will require an AVA import permit. -- that means we can import! (or i am wrong). any 1 wanna import some goodies?
  7. really? hmm ok. will email ava try, if can maybe we can ship in bulk. ordering those zoas/frags of other corals that we like, then shipped the shipment and go to a common place to view bino, able to pen to AVA ? lol, love your english
  8. ic no wonder.. peter, ask shan to help
  9. yes agree,we can bulk purchase from US those exotic zoas that is not common in singapore, few frag cost only 0.99 at some website..
  10. qiang still got. gogogo! got his frag yesterday night and today morning open liao (newbie sps - radioactive/poci)
  11. hello i am fine with sharing, pm you my contact ogykogy bro we discuss offline. thx vince
  12. bro how many parts can A be shared. i dont mind share half~ if can frag to two. - who want share A with me $20 each
  13. sure no prob bro, if got any of that size or smaller update me will take it from you nice monti~ upup
  14. wah bro, you really damn unlucky man. Doing maintainence is good husbandary but forgot to on back chiller,try not to be sad and hope for the best bro. hope it goes well for you!!! all the best bro
  15. i think chief dropped it and didn't realise till he found it 2-3 hours later
  16. bro try putting the iphone inside the rice (rumors said it will suck the water out from electronic) then bring it to the repair centre .. all the best bro
  17. yup it smell like lemon detergent. and i think it's really like a detergent(but it's not), that time i remember my nano wavemaker is sucking too much air as the container not enough water, the whole container become bubble pool. after adding more water and more drips of rx.. it became clear water as the wavemaker is not sucking in air.. good soap for our corals
  18. hehe, kena pyscho by us :x shiok right see all the werid thing come out
  19. super great product. pls use it to dipped all zoas and you will see magic up for great product and good reefer peter! thx pete, nice meeting you again just now
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