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Everything posted by onizukaa

  1. pm send to all (except goldface and creed2100) as unable to send. creed2100 kindly pm me for collection place all fishes are healthy and been with me for min months.
  2. will pm all later sohal back for sale
  3. aquac remora skimmer (hang on type) is good for nano tank. Yours is 4feet tank + 4feet sump. Should get at least Deltec APF 600 and above. Let us know your budget
  4. Dear All, livestock collection open house this saturday at 11am. please bring your own pail if you do not want to keep it in plastic bag (for big tangs example). Will catch the fishes on the spot (if you do not want to wait,can pm me to catch it first i can place in the sump straight and pack it when you arrive (subjected whether able to catch the fishes).
  5. bro saturday morning i going iwarna buy water, this saturday morning 8-9am can pop by?
  6. bro, j'field selling the FR150 with pump $60 http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=88653
  7. lol, still sold within half an hour, always a record for your sale
  8. if keep under the hood, i'm not sure even tunz9002 can fit in (you must do the measurement yourself) else get a normal airstone skimmer. If without hood, 1) redsea prizm skimmer 2) Tunze 9002 skimmer 3) Aquac remora skimmer 4) Deltec hang on skimmer MCE300
  9. bro, when click on the link, the error came out Forbidden You don't have permission to access /2010/05/18/gertrude-neumark-rothschild-filed-lawsuit-cree-led-patents/ on this server. Additionally, a 403 Forbidden error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
  10. link for another website that you can purchase in singapore, another great product + helpful online store in singapore
  11. Yup,thats the basic carbon that i find it cheap and useful. if you can, email edmund, he might be able to buy it for you and ship to you haha as his customer oriented. else you can get your friend to buy it from you at Clementi Block 328,there's a fish shop there that sells $38 1kg(not sure whether you need that much )
  12. i would also recommend http://www.reinbiotech.com/biohome/biohome.jsp <-- biohome +. skimmer will be good to have (else you will need to keep change water to keep nitrate and phosphate down) Filtration can be (Surface skimmer -> filter wool (<--- change frequently if not nitrate will shoot up if left un-touched as food might be stuck there and decompose)carbon (seachem carbon would do $6 can get) -> biohome + (1kg $38 at clementi c328)->skimmer (this can be left blank if you change water frequently but it's a good to have) -> pump back to tank. above are just my suggestion (thats how my 12G filtration goes) dosing off bacteria would also be recommended can try: -http://www.aquamarin.com.sg/productsDetail.asp?productid=1223 (can be brought at Marine life/aquamarin e.t.c or -http://perso.ovh.net/~prodibio/index.php?file=produits&fc=detail&eau_id=2&id=3 (biodigest) which can be brought at petmart e.t.c hope this helps bro i used a fan to cool the water to around 27 degree but must keep topping up water everyday (but must take out the hood for it to work)
  13. bro just to answer your question regarding chaeto: chaeto needs light (normal FL light will do) you can use reverse lighting(when your main tank light is off,you can timer it to on the refugium/chaeto light as chaeto reefers usually place in sump or put inside container in main tank) fyi it can be quite unsightly or troublesome if place in main tank as small pieces will float away.
  14. wah so fast siol sis, no wonder stalking up corals soon huh hope can see the big tank in your house again next time
  15. yea the poison is lethal ,nice knowing alot of reefers and friends yo fawad bro, bicolour i think you want the angel. let me know if it's the bicolour dottyback you want instead updated in my first 3 thread of this topic. Collection this saturday. welcome to bring your own pail if dont want keep it in plastic bag
  16. updated first three threads with reserved fish list. collection of fish this saturday (would remove most of the rock and catch the fishes on the spot before buyer eyes
  17. rofl damn funny status hahahahah :bow:

  18. yo boss, not decoming everything decom only FOWLR,moving onto corals as never really care about FOWLR tank after getting a 24G coral only tank yea i believe so as reefing is very poisonous, once in the blood, very hard to leave it
  19. yup all in first 3 post of this topic. as requested will reserve 2xYT for you.
  20. ty bro urs too!! (hope you come back to reefing in the near future!)
  21. wah bro,you got so many tangs in your tank, i scare my PT bth siol
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