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Everything posted by onizukaa

  1. want to clear fast,remaining zoas all for $50
  2. yup bro surely it's ok to transfer the water from 3feet tank to 4feet. but will your 4feet tank be placing at your current 3 feet location and would you be cycling your tank for 1 month? would suggest you get a holding tub, transfer all corals/fishes into the holding tub with your current 3 feet water filled the remaining water from 3 feet into your 4 feet tank. add mix salt water or NSW and cycle again for 1 month... can get red sea coral pro salt @ $80+ for 25kg bucket
  3. Wow.. cool function, can upload all pictures one shot.. nice one larry attached update price/pictures
  4. around fist size bro:groupwavereversed:
  5. bro tonpang your place first let it grow more pass me frag next time when ok haha..
  6. lost abit of interest in corals... hee but surely be back
  7. yea.. clearing most of my corals, might be on hibernation mode / maintenance mode as of now. More corals to come stay tune
  8. 3rd pic $5 zoas at bottom reserved.
  9. 3rd pic yellow zoas on the right reserved
  10. All pictures are taken under 1xblue and 1xwhite T5 light. What you see is what you get. can't trade for any corals as of time being as clearing all this zoas. pm me to deal and deal at west coast (will coral rx all zoas before passing to you)
  11. bro,what i can suggest is that you mix the salt mix till half of the tank volume around 1.027, NSW is around 1.021. once the salt mix is mix properly, add NSW to it and measure the SG. adjust via mixing the salt mix out of the tank (maybe pail) instead of pouring salt into the tank already with salt to mix it. maybe that will be better (can have some live bacteria from the NSW and better paremeters of ca/mg/kh with the salt mix.
  12. nice finals~ hehe exciting:groupwavereversed:
  13. Final of world cup starting...

  14. Sand bed might looks nicer to some reefers. I used sand bed last time due to it being nicer and dosed bacteria to let it become live sand..
  15. go from PIE - > exit jalan bahar (exit 36) -> turn right straight to NTU -> go all the way straight from jalan bahar -> Lim chu kang road -> turn right to lim chu kang lane 3 -> all the way straight see T junction of neo tiew lane turn left -> after 2-3 minutes you will see lck 201 on the left
  16. i got one taiwan made battery operated air pump at c328 can run very long (more then 24 hours continous on) with 2 D battery bro if you need it sms me / pm me
  17. Address 6 Sin Ming Road #01-05 Sin Ming Plaza Tower 2 Singapore 575585 Link telephone 6100-7333 to check stock before going though it's not really at EAST FYI.
  18. bro, for me doing the own tank maintainence is more advisable as if there's any failure to pumps/skimmer, you can take out and clean on your own instead of not knowing what to do. Also, sometimes there might be algae on the tank itself and it would be easy using magnet cleaner to clean it. do let us know what maintainence do you mean so we can advise you further~
  19. yup, all green cloud fishes / wrasse sure
  20. very nice CT and AT you had bro! change job liao ar work at JI
  21. nice!!! love those colourful rics in such a small tank
  22. nice simple tank bro, but seems that your zoas needs more light
  23. wow,thx larry for the detailed pictures!! makes me felt that i had been there. thumbs up!! makes me wanna visit sentosa underwater soon
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