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Everything posted by onizukaa

  1. Ingredient for reef chili: Reef Chili 100% Complete Coral Food (am selling only 1 bottle, even fish love it!) $35 Zooplankton This type of zooplankton is well known for extremely high levels of important fatty acids (Omega 3). It can have as much as 40 times the Highly <BR soft>Unsaturated Fatty Acids (HUFA's) of Artemia nauplii (baby brine shrimp). <BR soft>Tests have also shown this zooplankton to have uniquely high levels of <BR soft>beneficial antioxidants and Carotenoid pigments (astaxanthene} . (400 to 500 microns) Spray-dried Phytoplankton Phytoplankton is considered by most aquarists to be the best all around feed for aquatic filter feeders. Spray-dried phytoplankton has the benefit of being preserved at the height of its nutritional value so you always know you <BR soft>are feeding your tank the very best.. (2-900 microns depending on how well it is mixed ) Artemia nauplii replacement diet For years it has successfully replaced live Artemia nauplii all over the world. The feed contains small pockets of air that keep it suspended in the water <BR soft>column and help it mimic live Artemia nauplii. Because of its size and <BR soft>nutritional value it is simply prefect for supplemental coral feeding. <B>Contains Fish protein, whey, yeast and yeast extracts, marine fish oil, phospholipids, <BR soft>astaxanthin, vitamin and mineral premixes, anti-oxidants </B>(1-50 mcirons and 50-100 microns) Freeze dried Rotifers Rotifers are a wonderful zooplanktonic treat for your corals. These rotifers are naturally enriched by feeding on micoalgaes like phytoplankton and <BR soft>contain up to an incredible 60% protein. These are also freeze dried at the <BR soft>peak of their nutritional value. The freeze dried rotifers completely remove the <BR soft>tedious task of maintaining the cultures. (100-200 microns) Freeze dried Copepods Because of the high HUFA and fatty acid content, copepods are one of the best natural foods available for invertebrates. Aquaculture companies all <BR soft>over the world use them in vast quantity's. Freeze dried at the peak of their <BR soft>nutritional cycle they are able to maintain up to 57% protein. (100-400 microns) Dried Daphnia Also known as the water flea, daphnia is an excellent coral food. The crustacean naturally comes packed with incredibly healthy blue-green algae <BR soft>. Blue green algae are an incredible source of highly unsaturated fatty acids <BR soft>(HUFA's) like Arachidonic Acid, Alpha-Linolenic Acid and Linoeic Acid. (5 -750 microns) Spirulina Powder The benefits of blue green algae are incredible. This type of algae is packed full of vitamins , minerals, carotenoid pigments and amino acids, making it <BR soft>very nutritious for all the organisms in your tank {50-100 microns).
  2. 1) Tunze wavemaker 6060 @ $90 - Nett 2) Reef chili @ $35 - Nett
  3. update left item: 1) Tunze wavemaker 6060 @ $90 - Nett 2) Reef chili @ $35 - Nett
  4. alot of pm but no 1 confirm for 1) skimmer 2) wavemaker 3) reef chili Update: timer sold to bro omar (responsible buyer)! nice chatting with you and hope to see your "project" soon!
  5. so many copperbands inside here (5) in such a big tank (dont know made from which tank maker). the one that is injured with the back top fin disappear, it's swimming quite happily and didn't really think it's an injured fish (hope it recover real soon)
  6. Hello, dont know any bros got post this picture before but will just share again (pardon me if it had been post before)
  7. Some zoas like high flow high light,some zoas grow alot in mid flow mid light, need to observe the zoas but mostly can start with flow and mid light. As mentioned by kaganesti bro, if the zoas are becoming thiner and longer, it shows that it needs more light. Also, main key thing to make zoas "bui bui" fat / grow fast is to feed them with coral food, HTH
  8. buyer F16 offer me a reasonable price and it's yours will test on the spot
  9. Clearing : 1) Red sea skimmer (small) with addtional compartment (for media like carbon/po4 remover) age(more then 1 year) selling: $75 Note:Somtime this skimmer needs to take out pump and put back after offing it,but once run it will not stop see the protein this skimmer can skim out skimmer pump impella on and turning 2) 2 x timer $8 each / $14 if take both 3) Tunze 6060 (comes with magnet) Age more then 1 year Selling at: $90 Turbelle Stream 6060 Specifications: - For aquariums of 250 - 800 l (66 - 211.3 USgal.) - Output: 6,000 l/h, (1,585 USgal./h) - Pump wattage: 11 W - Voltage / frequency: 230V/50Hz - Cable length: 2 m (78.7in.) - Dimensions: diam. 98 x 118 mm (diam. 3.9 x 4.6in.) - Outlet: 50 / 47 mm (diam. 1.9/1.8 in.) 4)1 bottle Reef Chili Quote from website -------------------------------------------------------------------- <B>Reef Chili was originally created as a frozen <BR soft>fish/coral food and it worked out fabulously, <BR soft>except for one thing, cost! Overnight shipping <BR soft>frozen products around the country is simply too <BR soft>expensive. I made this product because I was sick <BR soft>and tired of trying to feed my tank a dozen <BR soft>different things to keep all the corals and fish <BR soft>happy, healthy and colorful. I also wanted to <BR soft>achieve faster growth rates from some of my slow <BR soft>growing frags and see my otherwise nocturnal <BR soft>corals come "alive" during the day with the lights <BR soft>on. All These products were frozen, expensive to <BR soft>ship and none of them are sold at the same <BR soft>vender, making the costs immense. I soon realized that none of this was necessary !!! I could make a coral food that does not need to be <BR soft>frozen and would be 100% nutritionally complete. <BR soft>Better yet it can be done for just a few dollars a <BR soft>month !!!!!! I have included all the key ingredients in the new <BR soft>Reef Chili, Zooplankton, spray dried Phytoplanton, <BR soft>Freeze dried Rotifers, Freeze dried Copepods, <BR soft>Dried Daphnia, Spirulina Powder and an Artemia <BR soft>nauplii replacement diet. While it is next to <BR soft>impossible to truly meet the dietary needs of every <BR soft>organism in every single tank, with this much <BR soft>variety you can feel safe in knowing that you have <BR soft>done your best to meet these nutritional needs in <BR soft>an easy and economical fashion . Unless you feel <BR soft>like wasting your hard earned dollars, there is <BR soft>absolutely no need to use any other products.<BR soft></B>-------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 bottle only $35 (full bottle) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ All products self collect at my house and testing wil be provided on the spot. interested pls pm me and prices are nett collection clementi
  10. i just pour 1/4 cap of seachem prime for my one pail of water.
  11. i got a reef nano tank using tap water filled with seachem prime.. corals are growing, however will notice algae on the wall of the tank. HTH
  12. Tank cloudy after dosing (which is as stated on the bottle) and pardon the unsightly algae due to no time recently as busy , but rest assure fishes are fat and healthy hehe Will keep this thread updated!
  13. Pouring it into my return compartment to let it pump it into the tank (mixing it).
  14. As i have one small 12G tank for 2 true perc and 1 bicolour dotty (more of a planted marine algae tank now haha) will try to dose 1 capful today (for 8G)
  15. Opening up the bottle cap and it's sealed!
  16. Benefits of using this product: 1) Crystal clear water 2) Healthy Fish 3) Vibrant Colors 4) Problem solver
  17. Hello all, will post my progress on using this product. Day 1 (21 sept 11:50pm) Picture of bottle
  18. wow nice zoas! +1 for you
  19. http://www.aquamarin.com.sg/productsDetail.asp?productid=325 <-- is it this?
  20. can get from Reef depot the sponsor, can get lucky draw for ipad too! www.reefdepot.com.sg or you can pm bro tench1 for his tropic marine @ $120 only 25kg bucket.
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