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Everything posted by onizukaa

  1. bro treat all zoas that you have in your tank as this spreads. information provided above by the bros are informative. hope everything will be fine for you soon
  2. if it likes the coral chips then the wrasse likes it the hard way
  3. woo hoo bro. Wait for the leak test to be completed before mixing the salt inside. Also do note that the rock will "increase" the volume of the water, mix the water with salt not to the brim and add on water after the rocks are in! nice tank!
  4. hi bro, if you have sand, it will be the best for the wrasse, when i have my 5 feet, it always burrowed it automatically when it is scare. now without sand, it just lies flat underneath the rock,so sometimes you will think it's dead.. but it's sleeping. have kept yellow wrasse without sand too, so it really depends on the tank / fish condition. i would really suggest keeping it with sand if you can, corals chip is quite painful for it i think to burrow in.. (no idea just thinking)
  5. if it's RBTA yes there is, my got minced up by the wavemaker when it keeps on moving (but left the mouth part), i put it at my frag rack and few months later boomz. hope your elegance can get through this
  6. wow sps tanky soon!! very nice collection / scape
  7. nope all sold, thanks for interest bro. Mod Team, can assist close thread (thank you!)
  8. super good deal!!!!! his free gift alone is BOOMZ. what you guys waiting for! (can't buy as tank not setup yet ) up up up for a super friendly reefer bro!
  9. hello~ you can refer to the below link or from the sponsor thread to find the address of it
  10. hello, looking from your tank video, seems like you have quite a number of fishes, how big is the sohal tang? it might be bullied by the mature fishes in the tank.. as this sohal that you are getting is bigger, you can release it from the Qurantine tank when the lights are out (better chance of it finding a hiding spot of it's own) feed abit more to distract other fishes if you see it fighting and the sohal will have left over food from the spam feeding (not too many times as it will polute the water). hth
  11. bro this kind of issue might happen when you never cycle your tank enough and there is an ammonia spike. try to check your parameters and cycle the quarantine tank.
  12. yup bro,once the other tank up and there we go! haha. cheers glad you like it hehe
  13. NSW the magesium KH and calcium are on the low side, you will need to buff it up (but the good thing if i am not wrong is that there will be readily bacteria from NSW)
  14. upz for super friendly and helpful bro... good bundle sale! p.s: thx law law ~
  15. thx bro, really nice talking to you and thanks for sharing your exp!! chat up with you next time:groupwavereversed: last set still available
  16. ya bro, pic dont do justice to it! up for a super duper nice reefer!!!
  17. One big set with (bleached pink mili) and one pink birdnest on it *note* its a bit bleaching due to my tank condition but it's still ok $30 comes with free (bleaching) but still got healthy polyp at the middle half 2) $20 on frag plug
  18. ic bro, but surely it will be boomz again! hehe. last set for sale
  19. wah bro, no wonder no news from you to collect the frag, speedy recovery for you and once ok sms me, get well soon!
  20. wah shiok!!! really must go for this christmas sale. just satifsy my craving, else everyday itchy.... hahahaha, finally the itch stop today morning!!! for the wonderful frag bro, really nice talking to you!
  21. wah cannot tahan, must go there again liao hahahah
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