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Everything posted by onizukaa

  1. flood with pellet and mysis to build up the strong immune body for pbt
  2. hmm let me consider whether i can make this my frag tank
  3. YT san.. think the coral might be the one above (not 100% sure but seems like). it should be ok as it's shooting you with polyps (might be shredding skin and is growing) haha
  4. Sinularia Coral Large Multi-branched Colony Closeup of polyps Heavy stalk of large colony Sinularia and Hammer living in close contact Shows branch starting to dissolve Small light colored specimen Scientific Name: Sinularia sp. Classification: Soft Coral Common Names: Sinularia, Green Finger Coral Description: Sinularia corals are similar in shape to colt corals (Cladiella) and tree corals (Nepthea). Sinularia corals can be identified by the fact that the growth originates from a single heavy stalk unlike Nepthea and the polyps are less feathery than in colt corals. Green Sinularia is a very attractive bright greenish yellow in color. The intensity of the coloration is affected by the amount of lighting the coral receives. The branches are covered with small polyps. Sinularia can grow quite large. The specimen above is about 15" high, has grown to be several separate adults and has been pruned heavily several times. This coral is about 4 years old. Natural Environment: ? This coral is normally collected in the wild, but it is easily propagated. Care: Hardiness: Sinularia is very hardy and tolerates a range of conditions. On occasion, a specimen will start dissolve in one or more spots as shown in the picture above. The cause is unknown. The best approach if this occurs is to cut out the bad portion of the coral. Lighting: While Sinularia will tolerant lower lighting levels, it does best under intense lighting. The specimen shown here is growing under 10K 400W MH lamps. It has also been grown very successfully under standard 175W mercury vapor lighting. Water Current: Sinularia likes moderate water flow. Seem to do well under wave maker water conditions where the branches get swayed gently back and forth. Temperature: Does well within a range of at least 75º to 84º F. Aggressiveness: Moderate. Although they do not seem to directly sting neighbors, their proximity to some other coral can cause the other corals to recede. The specimen here is in direct contact with a hammer coral and neither coral seems to harm the other. Sheer size as the specimen grows can also tend to shadow its neighbors. Feeding: Sinularia are photosynthetic and does not require direct feeding. Unknown if they would take any form of phytoplankton or zooplankton. Supplements: No special requirement are noted. Normal acceptable water parameters seem to suit it just fine. Tank Positioning: No special requirements other than keeping them in low to moderate water flow. Propagation:: Sinularia are easily propagated by cutting a branch off using a sharp knife or scissors. This piece can be 'planted' in a gravel bed in low water flow and they will attach to gravel particles within a couple of weeks. They can then be superglued to a suitable substrate such as a reef plug. Starts can also be directly attached to the substrate using rubberbands or string as long as care is taken prevent the rubber band from cutting through the soft tissue of the coral. Note: This above info is extracted fully from reefcorner website.
  5. bro any clear pictures of the closed corals?
  6. prata from authentic prata makers GO ?
  7. always providing detailed information bro... side track: ur "juice" is , kopi on me one day bro
  8. sometimes the bioload for your tank is maybe 20.. you added 21, the 21 will die, eventually causing rapid bad water quality if the equips/bacteria can't take it...
  9. can we know which polyps are you referring to? If you are referring to zoas, did you buy the zoas when it's opening nicely at the shop and when you bring back it's not open for 2-3 days? zoas are quite hardy and your specs is enough to make it open... also check whether there is any "white dots" on the polyps itself / any insect alike on the polyps.. Photo will be best
  10. can refer to sponsor website at http://www.delightin...dex.cfm?GPID=30 for more info
  11. growth with LED lights.. cool! nice sps collection!
  12. was there around 8+.. then should not met you as didn't see ahlee and cfoh..hehe boss YT, hows your flower pot.
  13. ketchup, were you with ur wife ytd that brought one big red bag of corals at night?
  14. normally i would coral rx all corals before putting into my tank (however still got some pest after a while)... what you can do is check the coral when are at the shop, if it's healthy there should not be much issue. if you have the space / luxury for another qurantine tank, yes you can, but without it it's still ok.
  15. Mouth watering corals at GO.. more for soft corals.. SPS shipment next week. Indo corals shipment for this shipment, some camera pictures taken below. Really alot of corals.. must go down see see!! this are only some of it
  16. oo ok.. all the best!!! up for a super nice reefer! those who want true perc / shrimp can get from him fast!
  17. bro i can keep the true percs for you if you want... just bring over my house your tank ok come again to get
  18. Nice and unique fish at CF Auntie said will be closed on new year eve and re-open on 7th Feb if i am not wrong...
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