LCK 201 address.
201 Neo Tiew Crescent (LCK201) Singapore 718900
Link updated by another bro in courtesy of google
google map for singapore LFS
Hope this helps bro
wah all so good sia, stay so near each other... really can have kopi, any1 want come by clementi HAHA
hk75, once you start, you cannot stop, it's poisonous and will make a hole in your pocket if you dont watch it. haha
Hello All,
Starting this thread to share the things that you have brought from Aquarama 2009.
Will be there tomorrow to hoot hoot hoot!
Any reefers start the ball rolling?
wow bro, really enjoy your life!!!!
thinking of it, everytime i visit LFS, i will rush home asap because of the fishes.. haha.
only at AM TK~ i went eat the donut then i go in, if not need rush back liao haha.