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Everything posted by onizukaa

  1. any 1 see 2inch ~2.5 inch regal angel? aquamarine have a bigger regal
  2. attached is what i did to my eheim 1262. i tried to put the skimmer pump outside but there's no much space to put therefore decide to put it in the tank 28w ehiem 1250
  3. bro, your tank is what size, at first, i was planning to drill a hole to the sump tank however there's risk in cracking the tank, so i did a piping from outside of the tank then connecting it to suck and pump up to my DT.
  4. my calcium for my previous tank is 500+ as i am using corallife calcium :500+ kh - 9 mag: 1400 salinity: 1.025 ph: 8.3 i dosed purple up a cap full on a few days interval however, phosphate and nitrate is zzzzzz [due to using tap water and coral chips/bioballs] sian no more corallife in bucket [but still in packets at ah beng selling around 60+ for 3 packets]
  5. hmm, whats your feeder pump and mine dont have the valve which is not fully open as mark in my picture below. you're meaning that the bottom near the base plate is not as milky? but your skim output seems fine~
  6. i think it will only be comfortable for newborn tortoise / "long gang fish" haha. or for marine wise is pods :x
  7. wow 6 feet tank! camping here to look at the wonderful tank. the bigger the tank, the more livestock/corals you can put in! however the con side is that much more electricity will be spent (however i am sure it's worth it seeing your fishes swimming happily) Camping here for pics!
  8. nothing written on the instruction about how's its use, went to the web and googled it, no results x_x
  9. 'sis' lemon, hope the below link helps link
  10. bro is there any valve as shown in the drawing below? AP851 has it, to control wet skim or dry skim (to adjust the level depending on your preferences]
  11. bro,just curious, what are you feeding the fishes, from the vid i can't really see clearly
  12. ic,brought the biohome as alot of bros are using.therefore should be good in the long run. didn't buy the az-no3, maybe it's time to buy it haha. any 1 knows, does wet skim bring down the nitrate / phosphate? <-- this is a question that is puzzling me
  13. plus is more expensive which is red in colour [$38], the normal one is grey [$28] not sure whether it will reduce the nitrate after putting the bacteria [bioclean]. just want to let my livestock have a better environment instead of living in a 100+ nitrate and 0.5phosphate water [tested with salifert] Think it's because mainly i use tap water to top up the evaporated water [have brought seachem prime recently] so hope all helps [cross finger!]
  14. hmm, brought 1 kg biohome and 1 kg biohome plus [$66], haven got time to put inside the tank [kinda small and not as big as i thought, think need more T_T] later will take parameters again of the water, put in biohome/+, after that dose the bacteria. 1 week later will update again.
  15. using eheim 1262 externally for return pump. 1) ehiem 1250 - feeder for deltec skimmer 2) eheim compact 600 - feeder for UV.
  16. gert when come back to singapore, reef on~ hehe. (gert very handsome one) haha
  17. hmm, ok will get it today and dose in the prodibio bacteria started i got. current phosphate around 0.5 =.= nitrate around 100+ =.= but the fishes still fighting fit. hopefully it will bring down more.
  18. haha, ya thats the thing, i am doubtful it will work [letting the water seep and force through the sand before entering the next compartment], doing a vote to see any 1 done it before and how's the filtration [if it really works and not blocking the water flow] SeaGel is a blend of MatrixCarbon and PhosGuard, i poured around 250ml inside, have been using it for my last setup therefore using it here too [it's ok i think], using it because it's cheap haha. maybe will invest in biohome, any bros know where to get for 1-2kg <-- is it enough? and whats the price you bros get it. there's C328 nearest to me maybe i can check it out there. Any particular step i need to do for biohome? just put it inside and let it cultivate?
  19. trying to bring out the best filtering i can do for the tank, read about people using sandbed as a "biological filter" therefore wanting to try it. tried chaeto however doesn't seems successful and it leaves alot of "hair" around. biohome is quite expensive for me therefore wanna try other alternatives~ Have a UV installed at the sump. Currently my filtration. Water overflow from main tank -> Sump -> Live rock -> UV and skimmer pump in same compartment -> seachem seagel -> clean water compartment -> display tank. have put a few hermit crab at the live rock compartment currently and therefore seeing what can i do to upgrade the filtration system.
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