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Everything posted by onizukaa

  1. woot bro,understood your passion, setting up is the most fun part.
  2. Flame Hawk damn cute! Always stay at the corner letting me see it when hungry.. Also the mushroom have gone BOOMZ after a while.. so big liao
  3. Not sure what zoas are this Another Pic
  4. liked this frag very much.. been with me a few months~
  5. Hello, been a long time since i last posted.. Zoas purchased from few friendly reefers in SRC.. this forum makes us have more option to get corals/fishes/item from other reefers other then LFS. Also make a few friends in this hobby. So here goes of 2 pic of zoas (nothing fancy) one green [at the back] one blue
  6. jacky,that time we are allocated 10000 message. larry able to verify as now we can only store 500
  7. next time go LFS wear the SRC t-shirt can go say hi to each other and say the nick le. HAHA
  8. TS is same as LAW Frag and pete gang
  9. once your salinity level reaches 1.021 ~ 1.025. always top up evaporated water with fresh water instead of salt mix. when you change water (draining out one pail of salt water, pour back the same amount of salt mix / natural salt water back) so as the salinity wont change..
  10. i uses tap water to top my my FOWLR tank and Nano Coral (softies and zoas) what i do is fill up the container, add seachem prime,leave it overnight,next day can use le. till now no issue... however i too believe in RO/DI water as it's being filtered through and definitely it'll be better.
  11. go back petmart /call them,normally it's done this way
  12. mines a fowlr tank 1xskimmer 4x wavemaker 1x return pump 2x80w lighset (2 set) 2 x refug lighting 1x uv with pump
  13. the tank looks very clean! nice tank~
  14. treat it as fated ba.. else you can buy egg crate to put over your "Q Tank" as a lesson learnt (tangs seldom jump out of tank for my case, more for goby and wrasse even mandrains!!!) cheer up and try get another one~!!~ all the best~
  15. nope,all reefers can only see theirs 0%. i think only mods can see which reefer is being warn many times
  16. fill up the tank with salt level around 1.021~ 1.025 to the level (when if power failure will not overflow your sump tank) on every equipment for 10 min, put a mark (blue tag/masking tape/use whiteboard marker mark your tank/any tape) after 1 day see how much it drop and add fresh water to that mark.. for me... around 10 litres ++ for 5 feet tank without chiller + fan (running UV)
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