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Everything posted by onizukaa

  1. guys, any 1 dipped zoas and got green substance? i suspect the zoas stress and release it while i am doing fresh water dipped.. any 1 got this before? (this is the first time i saw this while fresh water dipping the zoas)
  2. hi all, Note to those that going to reborn, pls dont touch the corals, always ask them to let take up and let you see (if they are even willing to do it), the uncle will scream at you not to touch the coral saying us reefers might damage it (my friend kena this and will never go back there again). FYI and not flaming the shop (only the specky uncle.. not sure about ah boy and bro) Have a pleasant trip! GO today might be exporting corals.. for those who wanna go GO better call them first! many SPS / LPS left there.. good price too!
  3. i tot i saw somewhere GO today got shipment? <-- not sure of it though i saw it somewhere. anyway GO today is exporting corals to Philippines. so those who want those corals BETTER GO DOWN BEFORE THE PINOY SUPPLIER COME TO HIS SHOP!!!!!!
  4. wait for the fibre optic connection HAHAHA
  5. doraemon.. HL again lo..... HAHAHAHAHHA
  6. roger that chief, haven start to use as upgrading to 24 Gallon tank.. finish cycling. going to do one shot of coral rx dip before putting into the 24G tank. also ytd while fresh water dipping the zoas, the zoas let out green substance in the water.. looks <-- like this colour by darker. two frag two frag also same... any of you guys notice it? scary.. *ok will pass you the bottle if i finish it
  7. lol ok.. Lai liao again the last 5 words of your post always make me laugh out loud
  8. steven, thats how you told your CO right... saying like that makes her think.. "hmm my husband only got LFS and always at home to see fishes/corals + do maintainence... no time to go find woman". no wonder you can get a 6 feet tank
  9. bro mine is just half a colony, shared with another bro ok siang for you, mine put in ytd around 12midnight, pic take today 9am. pic can't bring out the colour as using normal HP camera got a frag of 10 polyps extra..see any 1 wanna get from me not
  10. nice healthy corals you have bro! but i think if you have pasted black oyama at the back instead of the planted sticker it might be better (my 2 cents)
  11. yesterday around 11pm-12midnight usage, most of the webby needs to refresh including yahoo. i thought it's my router that is causing the issue but after see what other bros post. starfug is screwed, been happening a few times when i surf SRC and post, it shows page can't be displayed =.= after that must re-type again. too much people using starfug liao =.=
  12. siang.. didn't see your post after i went out, didn't really concentrate on the zoas at the back (near the entrance) paiseh.. nice meeting you chief.. thx for the coral rx! and of cos to the bro whom let it to me :shy: got the pinky zoas!! so sweet~
  13. ok chief. siang i go makan first after collect go GO.. i might have some1 to share half with me~ weee
  14. jacky 7pm meet you cck mrt onz? i going out now~
  15. i dont need big big one, share leh LOL
  16. doraemon, why wanna share half of the pinky zoas? might call shan to reserve it our indian chief kena warning letter liao. hmm ok will sms you before going.
  17. thx jacky and doraemon. might go down to grab the pink zoas! any1 wanna share half with me? btw i wanna get the coral rx so as i can dipped the zoas inside hahah. jacky what time you free today
  18. 1) take out the impellar see broken not 2) on the wavemaker, poke the impellar abit to see whether it moves after that. 3) else, soak the pump in vinegar, wait for half a day and wash it clean and try starting up again.
  19. i sms you also after i saw your post
  20. omg, you got me laughing out loud literally in office....
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