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Everything posted by onizukaa

  1. might be 5-10 min late as need to rush to pack coral, and take bus there. 5.30++++ LOL
  2. chief,chaeto and zoas put inside same bag no issue hor (coral rx dipped the zoas liao) but the chaeto i nv dipped haha
  3. 196 also can.. come leh together we go ML 5.30meet
  4. i think should be ok... 5+ i reach home, i take bus there should be quite fast.. 5.30+ zoas and chaeto hor.
  5. nv know your hair can sing song one HAHAHAHHA 5pm i jsut reach home... 5.30+ ok not LOL if no zoas might not good
  6. today ML got shipment? got zoas not.. LOL what time you going jacky, i can go home and bring the frag to you
  7. so pro not.. testi from the website http://www.aquaripure.com/intl/testimonials.htm
  8. bb good in terms of decom or kept clean no diatoms on the bottom can suck out poo easy too without creating sandstorm sand is good in having gobies which bb can't :'( looks nicer sometimes too
  9. o btw.. if bro joe_p / yellow tang / terry / larry needs any polyp of it, will give FOC polyps to you! just pm me.
  10. alot of people said iwarna NSW is good. i always buy 2-3 packet to change water..
  11. $25 - 20+ polyp (surely more then 20+ nv bother to count as it stretch till behind) $15 - more then 30 polyp btw all had been given the coral RX cleaning session... Deal at clementi Pirioty given to frag exchange group bros.
  12. took a "better" pic.. frag didn't open as hermit police looking for something inside
  13. Picture is taken with 50% white and 50%blue LED light. got this zoas but is too big, willing to frag and trade with other zoas. anyone interested post here or pm me a pic and how many polyp of zoas you're exchanging with me. T&C 1) Priority will be given to Frag eXchange Club members 2) Trade location - Clementi 3) I cannot be forced into exchange if cannot find something i like
  14. but is the zoas nice nice as GO? if yes i'm in !~
  15. got add iodine? might be this issue. sorry to hear it bro. all the best in your new livestock!
  16. wow bro! what a relief!!!! sure is excited when you see it. this perc sure will become strong strong!
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