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Everything posted by onizukaa

  1. lol nice one. chief also very thoughtful,started a blog about your princess, it's super good as when the princess grow up, can view all the growing up picture.
  2. your above list is good for reefers who just started. 1) Cycle your tank till your tank can break down ammonia. 2) add the fishes slowly (one/two per week after cycling) and acclimise them.
  3. super nice tank can sis, wanna call vincent to get a quote soon same thing it happened to me when i got my 5feet,didn't paste it because cannot access as it's too heavy to lift it up. hope vincent can do something for you, pics of sump tml weee~~
  4. i would recommend cycling if you have a choice (unless emergency need transfer all to blue tub with same live rock and water then no choice) it would also give you a better piece of mind / assurance.
  5. MWTS 2 sets of 5 feet 2x80W ATI lightset as decomm my tank. PM me your offer. Used around half a year for me.
  6. bro date 5th may stated, think might want change to correct date $5
  7. wah bro,really super chio can the pics you took came back with bigger bang liao nice corals~
  8. up,left over mangrove take all for $8 Chaeto $5 one handful got two handful can sell collection clementi
  9. if no1 getting it today for this 4 angels i will be keep it in blue tub,thx
  10. super +1 on your reason to sell your PBT:welldone: compare to pbt,pbt only 1 point, hybrid pbt IF YOU SEE in real life ===>>>>> really BOOMZ... glad to see it today
  11. pics for easier reference btw the bicolour with bluelip angel, the bicolour dont have white dots hopefully can sell all together tomorrow
  12. pics can be refer to here. http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=88636&view=findpost&p=910372
  13. yea bro,must get man that fish, i decom my fowlr else will get Attached is the pic i took with my camera HP, the colour is so dull from the picture but real life looks
  14. Angel Package up for sale again. hopefully can collect tomorrow. 1) Regal @ $35 (3 inch) 2) Emperor (from baby 1-2 inch to current 3.5~4inch) @ $45 3) Bicolour @ $15 4) Half Black @ $15 hope to sell all together, pm me
  15. very very nice hybrid powder blue at CF (2 piece left) @ 11 red note (right hand side tank feeding on pellet)
  16. Angel Package up for sale again. hopefully can collect tomorrow. 1) Regal @ $35 (3 inch) 2) Emperor (from baby 1-2 inch to current 3.5~4inch) @ $45 3) Bicolour @ $15 4) Half Black @ $15 hope to sell all together, pm me
  17. 1) Naso @ $50 ~ 5inch 2) Sohal @ $110 ~ 5.5inch 3) Unicorn @ $15 ~ 5-6inch 4) Tomato Clown @ $8 ~ 3-4inch 5) Bristle star fish ($8 super hardy,been with me for 2 years) and super big) 6) Red Coris Wrasse - $8 (been with me since juv 1 inch) 7) Pink belly Wrase - $10
  18. Hi bro.... Is the Tunze controlable using Tunze controller? Or is your Tunze comes with the controller ( if can use ). Thanks.
  19. morlingĀ¬ corals makes my eyes boomz better singapore can do better then this!
  20. hmm, after BOOMZ all the pretty girls scare to join the compy liao?
  21. Remaining Fishes: 1) Naso @ $50 ~ 5inch 2) Sohal @ $110 ~ 5.5inch 3) Unicorn @ $15 ~ 5-6inch 4) Tomato Clown @ $8 ~ 3-4inch 5) Bristle star fish ($10 super hardy,been with me for 2 years) and super big) 6) Red Coris Wrasse - $10 (been with me since juv 1 inch) 7) Pink belly Wrase - $12
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