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Everything posted by onizukaa

  1. hydor wavemaker provides random flow across, depends on where you place it too
  2. i just use cloth rinse with water / or tissue soak abit of clean tap water. wipe it clean and then go thru another tissue (clean and dry) to wipe off the remaining.
  3. yup, just clean it with rinsed tissue/cloth and then wipe it dry.
  4. 1) Resident number 1 Ang ang hawk
  5. bro refractometer is more accurate compare to hydrometer after calibration. coral salinity recommend around 1.024~ 1.025. refractor meter usage: 1) use the sucker provided (if there is one) to suck your display tank water (few ML will do) 2) open the protector of the refractometer, drop a few drops on the glass. 3) close the protector and the "tank water" must cover up the whole protector. 4) see thru the refractometer under normal sunlight or just normal ceiling lights. 5) you can see the measurement itself. if still not clear, RD staff will be more then glad to explain to you in detailed all the best!
  6. from google: Are sexies reef safe? YES! But, if they are not kept well fed, there is a big chance that they will munch on your corals. Some people don't have trouble with this at all, but I personally have to feed mine at least once a day, or else they start binging on zoa skirts.
  7. yea bro, nice,love the mix breed of the zoas very swee, love it!! sad to see you decomm your LPS collection.
  8. hee this JBJ 24G setup around Feb i think. cycled one month+ 4th tank i got but the previous 2 is FOWLR, the 12 G is this thread. Now got 1 x JBJ 12G, 1 x JBJ 24G, 1 x blue tub for remaining fishes just love reefing so much hee
  9. have upgraded to 24G nano tank. first pic is zoas! my all time fav
  10. bro can use those normal pails (red or blue) in toilet using approximately around the same. my SG is around 1.024 ~ 1.025 on the mix. the capacity is around the same. can use one NLS container for one pail, mix 1 night,then measure,from there onwards can judge how much to use le (thats how i did it for the first time) any bro with more common containers can chip in
  11. my 24G nano tank will burst out with it going in hahahah =p hopefully got a small copperband at CF. maybe ysl, if i get it feeding at my aptisia and once done,i pass it to you (if it's able to eat) else to clear it, you can use the http://www.aquamarin.com.sg/productsDetail.asp?productid=281 or the redsea brand ($20+) from west coast shop. those are quite recommended by shop owern (which i dont like to inject this inside my small tank)therefore trying to use predators like copperband to kill it
  12. siang,pass me your copperband. mine got many, can feed your coppy
  13. yo bro peace, i use one New Life Spectrum big container with additional of 4 spoonful (those normal tar bao plastic spoon from hawker centre to one pail of water (one grotech easymix 25kg pail)
  14. it's nice bro, maybe i ask him reserve for me HAHA
  15. super healthy frogspawn and corals boss! thanks for the corals hehe. what you guys waiting for~~ upup! left quite a few branch of frogspawn e.t.c
  16. bro try it. dont really need to boost up alot of additives. just find it abit low on KH magnesium quite high
  17. yea, wait till sg all parameters swee swee liao then put in live rock/sand,else become rock/sand jiayou!
  18. bro,what i suggest since it's like that already, leave everything running for another 2 days. check SG of sump and main tank. adjust accordingly for PH and those kh/ca/mg etc.. change filter wool and relax. for my 5 feet,i waited 3 days before checking hehe
  19. yea sis, if SG is ok i suggest siphoning the remaining salt residue up else the SG might increase further upwards
  20. lol bro,why shots of that as your first post haha. where are all your gems!!!
  21. hmm,how bout taking a picture and show it here sis
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