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Everything posted by onizukaa

  1. thx bro, hope the one you get is growing many many, hehe
  2. not so common zoas very big paly and fast grower Link 2 sets left (5 polyps for $45)
  3. thx bro, looking for buyers to have 4 polyps at one go..if no set buyer will split it up
  4. zoas need light and coral food to make it big and healthy! try dosing everyday and see whether the colour improves,try to shift it more to the sand bed to acclmise the zoas to your MH lighting.. try a few position
  5. able to snap a pic of the zoas that is losing colour? easier to see what's wrong with it. 150W MH should be more then enough at mid level. do you dose coral food everyday? if you are dosing everyday and the zoas is opening, they will be able to feed it (if you feed the coral food according to your tank volume).
  6. put to a higher place where more light can blast it. feed more coral food~ observe it for one week and see whether the zoas colour is "darker" or closer to the colour, if it is leave it at the last place you put.
  7. vince, seems like it, after searching the net for a few picture. thanks bro!
  8. WTS: 4 polyps of Purple Death at $85 If need to break up $25 per polyp (left 4 polyps only)
  9. Pardon my noobness but unable to ID it. Might think it's a carpet or a mushroom (it feels like rough carpet if you uses hand to feel it) and
  10. mine is 6105 old one but looks like 6060
  11. 1) you can use a overflow box http://www.aquamarin.com.sg/productsDetail.asp?productid=649 or http://www.reefdepot.com.sg/AddProduct.asp?ProdID=314 to overflow to let it "suction and siphoning" it from main tank to sump tank. else, if you wanna use pump and piping, you need to place one small pump from the main tank -> sump tank (another pump to pump water up). However this is more risky as if one pump is not working, the tank it's in will be overflowing the other... 4) pump compartment can be normally 3, first compartment is the mechical filter, 2nd compartment can be refug or skimmer, 3rd compartment is water pump to pump the water back to your main tank. Else, you can use a external canister which most sumpless tank will use. HTH
  12. if you are using the old big bulky 6105, just need to turn the cover anti-clockwise,then there will be a cache you can just pull it out (dont even need to put if your wavemaker is clean). If you are using the new one.. might need to up your post again
  13. wow bro, your tank inhabitants are coming out more and more, all are superb!!! and your photography skills... .. one day must really come over your house to drool and learn some photography skills from you!! Maybe with bro ah lee or yellow tang too share some knowledge here and there!!! hehe
  14. wow thanks to all bros who have posted and comment, learn few more things! hehe, it's not my tank and it belongs to a friendly bro~ you are right CFOH, you should know whose de.. ok wil convey the message to him to try some of the advise above and keep you all posted (if he got time)
  15. my friend went to scrub away the bubble and it just came back (it's like air in the bubble), dont think is the bubble algae as it's white and not whole green bubble
  16. terry, i like your sand leh.. lol
  17. woo hoo, hope i can see the setting up of this and post pics of it!
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