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Everything posted by onizukaa

  1. My Guess ======= Pic 1 aka left pic = Indian Ocean (body with dots) Pic 2 aka right pic = Hawaiian (body with stripes)
  2. i have used it for 4 feet (not that ok) but for 2 feet and the pump is new. i think thats strong enough
  3. bro the temp can be set at 26 as the teco chiller differential to kick in is 1 degree above your set temp, set at 26 will kicks in at 27.
  4. Push “SET” The display will change from the current temperature to the set temperature. 3 Push up or down arrow to change temperature. Using the up and down arrows, set the controller to the desired water temperature. The temperature will be set automatically five seconds after you release the button. 4 Once the chiller reaches the set temperature the unit will enter stand-by mode; both the lights above the temperature display will be off. When the temperature changes the chiller or heater will cycle on as appropriate.
  5. hmm if it's 3 pin it still leaks out electricity? werid.. any electrician here?haha
  6. is maxspect power plug 2 pin? or those 3 pin
  7. bro when you walk out of ahbeng shop (it's just infront of ahbeng only) - army 12 oclock straight ahead!
  8. is it leaking electricity to the tank causing it to happen? yea since under warranty better do a check with DE
  9. sponsor selling this nice fish! http://freshnmarine.com.sg/estore/product_info.php?products_id=3158&osCsid=983fea3d9b86d4843cb21ec471cefc74
  10. just for sharing, i have done few setups with nano and 5ft tanks and all i used are just tap water from my kitchen and i always de-cholrinate it and leave it to age before pouring into the tank Zoas are growing and gsp are spreading like wildfire! Fish is also ok as i have been topping up with the de-chlorinated tap water for 1 year + without any issue... not a must to use di/ro water (but if can use, more advisable to use it as my tank does have algae if not maintain properly) hope samuelo bro tank is up and running strong!
  11. yup you can do that bro, measure the ca/mg from the water change and it will decrease
  12. Wow the joculator really looks DAMN NICE!!! awesome eyes.. looks like a lady.. so diff from bicolour (i always think it has no diff with it now my mindset change haha)
  13. i saw the red flowerpot ytd at GO (but is small de)
  14. GO still have many zoas (common) / orange plate / syposium (dont know spell correctly not) / 30+ sps (approx when i left around 1pm today). many other LPS from last shipment. didn't take pic as rushing back to work
  15. The freshwater (if you are using tap water aka fresh water), please do de-chlorine it with seachem prime / other products with the same function. I have always top up for my 12g and 24g with the age water (i store tap water into a bottle and add seachem prime,shake it to mix it and leave it for 2 days to age before using it), i poured in 1.5litre one shot into the IOS of the nano tank everytime and there's no issue with it. It might be the freshwater issue / other issue that wipes out your entire tank. Else distill water from supermarkets works the same just pour into the IOS if any, if there is no IOS, i would suggest pouring abit by bit over the wavemaker to spread it evenly
  16. yea agree, love the scaping.. lots of spaces to add more corals (when its so pack already for the scape but still got lots of space).
  17. bro ur pic too small. but the drawing seems to be the type of setup i did before and surely it works *note i am using eheim 1262. do note that some pumps can't be used externally!
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