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Everything posted by yikai

  1. that's because this flame wrasse is an aberrant! aberrant wrasses are almost non existant!
  2. yes the tiny frembliis are very cute. they are already eating mysis in my tank. very unusual because frembliis are usually very timid and exhibit stress colouration very easily. i guess the small size makes them much easier and adaptable .
  3. Also one Serranus annularis at CF. Orange back perch from the carribeans
  4. Rare butterflies enthusiast, cf has many marginalis butterflies and one muelleri. But don't bother going down as there is no price yet for the fishes. Those looking for small fremblii bluestriped butterflies can go to CF. They have 2 small ones. This fish is endemic to Hawaii. Will make a nice fish for Hawaii biotope set up. Also many 1-2 inch lemon butterflies. Rhomboids and flame wrasses too
  5. No. Only from Vanuatu does the groucho appear from. Lemonpeel x halfback is extremely common fish from Marshall and Vanuatu. The amount of variation is impeccable from this hybrid. U can get super ugly hybrids that look almost like pure lemonpeels or pure half backs, or ridiculous stunning ones with blue lines and spots and squiggles. All lemoneel hybrids in this thread (if you search) are of halfback hybrids. There's a eibli x lemonpeel hybrid too but that's v rare from Xmas islands
  6. the family of otters at sungei buloh is my favourite attraction there. i always try to find it whenever i go. very cute.
  7. http://reefbuilders.com/2011/06/28/hybrid-butterflyfish/ The hybrid butterflyfish post is now live. my favourite piece i've written so far!
    1. Digiman


      I read. Excellent pics and writeup. A pity the fish is no longer alive to have a video taken of it swimming in your tank.

    2. yikai


      yah! omg i really loved it

    3. Zoa guy

      Zoa guy

      wow, nice fish

  8. FYI, there's no such thing as x'mas island shipment. x'mas island fishes are caught and shipped via out hawaii shipments mixed together with marshall island fishes and hawaii fishes. black tang, goldflake angel, declivis butterflies, griffiths angel are all caught from christmas islands. not hawaii.
  9. ORA mandarins are very limited even in the states. unlikely we will see them here. most probably the normal stuff again....
  10. uh don't turn off your wavemakers.. just leave it on. flow from return is not enough even if it's just for awhile. what harm can u cause from leaving them on 24 hours? nothing. the flow in the sea is about 1000x stronger than any wavemaker u have in the market. so don't bother turning it off.
  11. noooo!!! dont rape xie ming ming!

    1. Jameshong


      Wow..you Taiwan drama mi!

  12. well it's the same with all other things in life. if you really interested in something, everything seems easy. i've always wondered how people differentiate math problems or do computer effects. everything is so hard to me. i took some of these modules in school and failed them lol. i can never differentiate all the SPS names too. but i'm so interested in fish that differentiating all the minuscule details of fish and remembering scientific names become second nature to me.
  13. actually very easy. take into condition a few things. geographical location tail shape number of filaments with the 3 basic things you will know how to differentiate all the flasher wrasses. if no one else will do it, i'll take the time to put all the photos of all species in one picture and then list out the differences. but not today. i have tests tomorrow D:
  14. it's not special. but i like it because it's wild caught! sorry i always think in a geneticist point of view since im a science student. there is nothing special about any captive bred clowns because toying with the genes you want will produce patterns u want. simple. but wild caught fishes with strong stable genome to produce variations so dramatic like this, it's single nucleotide polymorphism at its best!! i love it!
  15. ahh marshall island multibar! only came once from iwarna hawaii supplier
  16. OMG. an amazing wild caught clown that cost $4 from thailand. found in philippines shipment. the white stripe on the top is on both sides.
  17. it used to be so rare that only holotype pictures of it exsist/ im happy that more and more are finding their way into the trade!
  18. always cover your tank if you don't want your fish to jump. always use protection.
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