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Everything posted by yikai

  1. and finally, cirrhilabrus aurantidorsalis. its v rare in singapore but common elsewhere in the world. i think it came in many years back here when harlequin marine was still around. $80. M3 may still have limited pieces so act quickly if you want. its orange dorsally and purple ventrally. people who like the colour combination should go for it!
  2. the second fish is a rare chromis. Chromis acares, or the midget chromis. it's v common in the wild but v uncommon in the trade. it's related to the vanderbilt's chromis. very peaceful and VERY beautiful. will make a good schooling fish but abit pricey. $20. M3 still have quite a few of them so please hurry if u want!
  3. ok i'm really excited gonna share this with you guys. 3 fishes arrived from M3MORPH today, and it's been 3 that i've been waiting for for very long! first, tracey's damselfish. Chrysiptera traceyi. this is a rare damselfish from marshall islands. it's a new import in the marine industry and it's very rare still. if you like the fish, M3 still have plenty and it's very affordable at $20. it's purple and yellow. a very unusual colouration for damsels and looks like a royal gramma. not aggressive.
  4. groucho lemonpeel? ok sure. but be prepared for a long wait. it's rare and unpredictable and only come out of vanuatu .
  5. and here a slew of ultra lemonpeel hybrids. ahsiang, the one from reborn is also considered an ultra hybrid. sadly it died at the shop.
  6. yes it is a hybrid. sometimes there will be blue spots and blue electric lines. it depends on the fish.
  7. that green and purple majano is actually very beautiful. i would not have thrown it away if i were you. majano doesn't spread as quickly and as rampant as aiptasia. if i were you, i would have isolated it on a separate rock and place it on the sandbed. in time, the entire rock will be covered with that lovely green and purple majano but will not spread elsewhere outside the rock.
  8. @wilson. water is a bad conductor of electricity. you skin is also a rather poor conductor of electricity. however if you get water on your skin, the water reduces the resistance and improves the conductivity. but on it's own, water is not a very good conductor. it is good, but not very good. however salt water is an excellent conductor of electricity. salt water contains sodium and chlorine in the form of sodium chloride. sodium chloride dissolves in the water to form ions. sodium + cation, and chloride - anion. these positive and negative ions floating around the water help to conduct the electricity much faster and much better. the electric current flows via these charged ions and conduct better. that's the reason why pure water is a bad conductor. it contains no ions to help electricity move.
  9. coral farm have but medium to big sized. call to check again if they still have.
  10. a piebald yellow tang from quality marine. LCK brought in a huge piece during aquarama. unfortunately, such piebald yellow tangs seldom retain their colour and most of the time revert back to yellow.
  11. ARMITAGEI is not rare at all. But they are rare here. Our market is small so alot of rare things here are common in other countries
  12. And they will forever be your dream fish. Recently 3 pieces of kingii were caught and exported illegally. But in such small numbers and unpredictable supply coupled with unbearable cost, you can only be sure these fishes will go to hardcore collectors willing to pay top dollar in excess of thousands in the 5 digit range Nigriocella angel has a very wide range but it's so so so SO cryptic that only less than 10 pieces have ever been seen since it's discovery. And it was discovered using rotenone poisoning when it came out of hiding due to the poison. That one from Vanuatu was a freak catch and will likely not ever happen again! People have been diving Vanuatu for decades and not even see one despite them being shallow water and wide ranging. So as again, if ever nigriocella appears again, it'll be either caught using poison and will die, or go to Japan where people pay 20k for it. As for peppermint angel, this one really holygrail. It's super deepwater and lives only in the cook islands and there has only been one person collecting it. Chip boyle. The peppermint angel was named after him. There has been rumours that he was collecting them again but I guess it never took off. Same genus as multibar and venustus, which means super difficult. The deepwater nature means very prone to dying and difficult to adapt to reef lighting. Willing to pay 5 digits for a fish so difficult? But u can't coz will go Japan or U.S So pls continue to dream haha. I too want some pretty unobtainable fish like abei angel and nahacky!
  13. Haha wah coolguy. You have more rare fish than me now. I like rare fish and I always have a very strong passion and interest for unusual and rare stuff. But being a student, I'm very limited to fishes that are cheap. All my rare fish are fish that are rare, but unknown and cheap. If you notice, all the uber rare and expensive stuff I let Digiman and you buy coz I can't afford. Johnsoni, aya, goldflake hybrids, masudai, Poliorus etc etc are all rare fishes that I've personally seen but can't afford even though I want them very much! I also want a Groucho lemonpeel and have been waiting for one for years already. And I want to attempt to form a flavissima complex harem like what copps did. But I want to form that harem with hybrids. Anyway there's no guarantee that LCK will have Groucho. But if really come then say la. If you really want it alot and if it's too ex for me then I'll gladly give in hehe. As for Jeremy, this is not the first time ARMITAGEI has came in but it's certainly not common. I think the number of times it came in I can count with half my hand. It's v big and v impressive and if you're a real fish geek, you'll be very impressed. Aunty won't reserve it just to let you see. They don't even reserve for people who are willing to pay! Haha point being they don't take any form of reservation per individual fish. So u have to pray it'll be there for u to see when u get back and it's not sold or exported
  14. a new video of the uber UBER UBER UBBER ULTRA RARE paracentropyge boylei. the peppermint angelfish. collected only by one and only chip boylei in the cook islands.
  15. that's exactly what it looks like. armitagei angels rarely look like anything else.
  16. i did not spot the poliorus angel at first until i looked at the coral farm fish invoice. this has probably got to be the most exciting angel shipment for me! armitagei and poliorus! amazing!
  17. will update the photo of the razor wrasse soon! :0
  18. very nice guttatus tang! very rare to find them this size. really really amazing!
  19. yes. search this thread for poliorus. you should be able to see some photos we've posted before. also found a very cool razor wrasse! looks gorgeous. and rare
  20. i tried to brainwash him alr. no use. he is too obsessed about his poliorus angel now.
  21. i tell you honestly. to be absolutely truthful with you, the only people in this forum willing and interested enough to consider buying rare or interesting fishes are me, digiman, coolguy and probably a smalllll handful of other reefers. 99.9% of people here don't care about rare fish, interesting fish, exotic fish or any out of the normal fish. be it cheap, or expensive. sure you can say fishes like bandit, tinker, crosshatch, etc etc are rare and many people are willing to buy. yes! true. but these are rare fishes that are very well known. what about rare fish that no one knows about? how many people here know what rainfordia opercularis is? how many know what groucho lemonpeel is? or tracey damsel? to be honest, maybe only 5. or less! so don't be discouraged that no one here is buying the opercularis. the market is just really way too small. most of the time people only ineterested in staples.
  22. a grouchou is a lemonpeel hybrid. but it's special because it has a thick eyebrow above the eye resembling grouchou marx. go google his name. he has thick eyebrows and is the reason why collectors have aptly named it the grouchou lemonpeel. but here's where it gets interesting. a lemon peel can hybridise with a vrolicki to produce many range of hybrids. and 10% of the population in the vanuatu, or marshalls or w/e are hybrids. out of these 10%, only 20% spawn amongst each other. that means, hybrid spawning with hybrid. the other 80% of the 10% spawn with other lemonpeel and other vrolicki, producing even more variation. now, for a hybrid to spawn with a hybrid the offspring will of course, furthur continue the hybrid genes right? but the hybrid genes get diluted after repeated spawning with other hybrids. a hybrid spawning with a hybrid is no different from a regular lemonpeel spawning with a regular lemonpeel am i right? both parents are the same, so to say. so a small percentage of the resulting offspring of hybrid x hybrid, will be aberrations. the % of aberration is probably the same as you would any other fish. that is, very rare. just like how it's rare to find an aberrant flame angel right? and some % of that aberrant offspring of hybrid is the grouchou lemonpeel. which is why the grouchou is considered both a hybrid, and an aberration. strictly speaking, an aberration of the hybrid. thats why most grouchou lemonpeels do not have much hybrid traits. only the crown or "eyebrow". i know it's all confusing, but that's the gist of it!
  23. as i've said before. if nipping SPS polyps, it's ok. if it's nipping the SPS flesh and actually causing tissue recession, then it's bad. in the wild, SPS have very little to no polyp extension in the wild. it's kept in check by nipping fishes such as butterflies and blennies. so in the tank, P.E is unatural. P.E is only encountered at night. but of course, if you're after the polyp extension then by all means remove the fish. but just to let you know that if it's the polyps they are after, it is harmless to the SPS.
  24. they are reported to be found in guam too. anywhere where vrolicki and lemonpeel overlaps in range will have a grouchou. a grouchou can only be formed from a hybrid x hybrid cross. and the cross must be an aberration. when a hybrid mates with another hybrid, it's akin to a pure sp mixing with a pure sp. so getting an aberration out of that is as rare as getting an aberration out of a pure hybrid species. for example an aberrant flame, lemonpeel etc etc. thats what makes grouchou so rare.
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