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Everything posted by yikai

  1. i've always liked the longnose butterflyfish. It's one of those iconic fishes that everyone sees in books and documentaries. i always remember when i was much younger and i wanted to keep this fish ever since i saw it in TV and books. now that i have my own tank, it's great to know that this iconic symbol is so cheap and readily available haha. so docile and easy. i like their square shaped appearance but when the dorsal spines are erected, WOO HOO! they look gorgeous!
  2. the fish made a full recovery. 100% healed and very healthy. Genicanthus semifasciatus (F) my baby!
  3. do check out their rusty x flame if it's still there this weekend
  4. very pretty right! i hope you enjoy yours. i don't think it should pose a problem on aggression. perhaps in the long run maybe slightly towards other damsels. but i don't forsee a problem. it's a new fish in the trade so not much reviews on it yet but so far, very good.
  5. def a hybrid or a variant of heraldi. ana| fin is not bicolor angel
  6. an just an update shot of my fremblii butterfly again. i dunno why but it takes good photos. fremblii butterflies like to exhibit their fright colouration. which is the dirty yellow colouration with the two faint white spots. this photo doesn't show it but the 2nd photo you can see the colour turning from bright yellow to a little murky brown. it is a perfect mood indicator as when it's feeling fightened or angry, the colour changes. very good chameleon!
  7. here some blur shots of the acares chromis. it's very fast so hard to take photos. the little yellow mask and yellow tail is absolutely charming! in the first photo, half of the body is cut off by my male sailfin anthias.
  8. anyway the fishes have settled down now. here's a picture of the tracey damsel showing the purple and yellow colouration better. a truly unique colouration for a damsel fish. it's very passive. the broken tail is due to minor territorial disputes between my caeruleolineata damsel
  9. yes the pastel purple and yellow is GORGEOUS! thanks so much for bringing them. i might get another one if you still have!
  10. nope. UV only. works wonders esp in a high butterfly and angel load tank. but i do do some pre-introductory measures. i FW dip all my butterflies and angels before going in and keepp them in the sump until they are free from flukes. they always come in infested.
  11. yah they appear many years ago. cant find them anymore so have to get M3 to bring in,
  12. what chromis are you keeping. the green chromis? if so i shoulndt see a problem la. ur tank is big its ok. i currently have 2 springeri damsels, 1 rollandi damsels, a pair of spawning nugrura chromis and they all get along fine. the addition of the traceyi should not be a problem. go for it if you really like the fish. but go down to see it to confirm. MMORPH is a sponsor here. u can call them to check opening hours or visit their thread.
  13. wah nice you cut the strip so cute!
  14. it is peaceful. chrysiptera damsels are always less aggressive than those of other genus. the chromis acares is harmless. but do keep in mind the size of tank and other species you keeping with. i generally do not buy any aggressive fish so anything u see in this thread should be safe to buy. but it depends on your tank size too.
  15. here's btter photos of Chromis acares in the wild. they have a very cool yellow mask on the eye and a yellow tail. body colour is grey but that's ok for me. they look very cute darting around the corals.
  16. nope. chrysiptera traceyi will not morph into ugly adults and stay small. i won't be advertising ugly morphing damsels in this forum. they are ugly and a pain to catch!
  17. the problem with those two is that they grow to very ugly and big adults. many damsels will morph into ugly brown adults and only look good as juveniles.
  18. these are some wild photos of traceyi's damselfish. but pls note the actual colour is purple and not blue i'm not forcing anyone to buy, just giving a very quick intro to this fish since it's the first time here. if you can visit M3 to see it for yourself then it's best.
  19. google search results give traceyi's damselfish in the wild, which is blue and yellow. the colouration of fishes look different in the ocean because of light and water. the real colour is purple like this. i found some legit photos for you to see online. timthumb.php
  20. ok there the intro for the 3 fishes are done. so whataya waitin for! go grab them now before they're gone!
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