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Everything posted by yikai

  1. haha. go buy fish in the end go makan =) kill 2 bird with one stone.
  2. aiptasia meh? looks more like palys. anyway, u can should just remove all. if its palys, just take scissors and cut it off at the base. carenot not to et it come in contact with ur skin/eyes. POISONOUS! sometimes can squirt water. careful ur eyes. if its aiptasia, cut no use. will grow back/ suggest u use either peppermint shrimps, or copperband butterflyfish to eat it. Best is to use biological control, to eat the aiptasia. No choice then use chemicals.
  3. yes. tank can clear that algae patch in no time at all. Tomini tang or any other tang from the zebrasoma genus. I somehow find zebrasoma tangs more like to eat algae than acanthus tangs..
  4. look like some sort of paly. If its a paly, it is poisonous, dont break it, the poison it release is quite potent. Dont let it enter ur bloodstream tru any open wounds. You can leave it, but it grows fairly fast, and may overtake ur rock.
  5. aurora goby isit a shrimp goby? If is hor, pair wif randelli pistol shrimp sui sui leh! then get another yasha and randelli pair. OH MY!
  6. WOW! looks like those normal kind of green algae that overgrow until jungle HAHA! Hmm. this kind of algae not say very bad lar. But grow until like this, i think ur water got alot of NO3 and PO4. Just get some tangs, or some snails. My snails now dying inside my tank, coz no algae lol. everyday i clean =( Poor thing my snail.
  7. Aiyo. i 17 years old nia. still schooling. no money for yuma garden la. Lousy mushroom garden can la. those normal common kinds
  8. woo royal gramma! i want i want MORE MORE MORE. hopefully can pair my royal gramma
  9. i see a damsel fish -.- mine banished to the sump tank FOREVER. KILLED MY FIRE FISH!! EVIL PIECE OF @#&@^!
  10. ur ric/yuma garden dam nice man! GOOD WORK!
  11. yes water quality also very important. I think bad water quality is more harmful than some disease. Bad water quality will kill fishes =( disease at least can treat, or control
  12. haha solli. didnt mean to say ur coral =x
  13. hmm........... PRATA lol jk. dunno.. yuma?
  14. Thanks. Will go check tomorrow. Not coral farm right? the other LCK?
  15. suns easy to keep or not? I heard need to feed every single polyp? isit true? i want to try also, but scared die
  16. haha i din say i dont believe you!! =) i just said it looks like a mushroom haha! cheers =)
  17. Fish with a little bit of white spots is ok one. If u like me, very lazy to catch out all fish, quarantine, let tank fellow and REMOVE ALL TRACES OF WHITE SPOTS, then make sure ur fish healthy and strong enough to defend themself against the white spot. My tank now have a very very very minor case of white spots. But my fish healthy enuf to defend against it. The white spots doesnt seem to affect them at all! still eating and everything... Once in every 2-3 weeks will see one or two white spot on my fishes. thats all. Just keep them below symptomatic levels. Good nutrition is key. Feed a variety of food. Most disease are triggered by environmental factors. make sure ur fishes are strong to fight for themselves
  18. yikai

    LED Panel

    LED cheap? currently using flourescent
  19. my tank got alot of prints. like squiggly prints. I think its my snail foot print -.- make my glass look very ugly. i clean everyday coz the bloody snail keep walking on the glass and make those prints. dunno why only my tank have this problem. good thing i use magnetic cleaner
  20. btw cute baby =) Does he look like you? O.O
  21. ji reh marine last time got sell. now dunno
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