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Everything posted by yikai

  1. I think marine life at hong leong there have. Last time i saw. Better to confirm with henry before u go. Last time coral farm had a whole tang full of it. Yes, have heard this fish has a disposition of a chromis. very peaceful. so ive heard....
  2. woo nice bubble and sun. Do you take alot of effort into looking after your suns? I am planning to buy some. Do they need chiller or not haha. Must every polyp be fed?
  3. Oh i forgot, regarding Ph, it will slowly drop because fishes excrete waste that are acidic, and this will neutralise the Ph, making it lower. It is also normal for Ph to drop at night in a matured reef tank.
  4. Ammonia is caused by uneaten food that is decaying, dead organism, waste produced by fish. Normally, bacteria inside live rock will convert the ammonia to nitrite, and then the nitrite to nitrate. Ensure that your biological filtration (live rock, sand) is working. Next, ensure that ur mechanical filtration is working. The mechanical filtration (pump, protein skimmer), will filter out all the uneaten food and waste before it can be converted to ammonia. Usually in a matured and healthy system, u dont have to worry much about this. Maybe you did not cycle your tank properly. Maybe it is ur filtration. Whatever the case, get a good brand ammonia test kit and do a test, to see if there is an ammonia spike. Changing water will temporarily solve the problem, but you want to cure it in the long run. Since you say some of your fish exhibit these symptoms, could be your tank have an ammonia spike due to insufficient microbacteria in liverock, filtration, and maybe u never cycle prorperly. Fish can die of prolonged exposure to minute amounts of ammonia as well, causing organ failure. Hope this helps
  5. so lucky. My mantis had to remove rock and soak in water. now i think i got 3 -.- i want to keep as pet also... but because i soaked in freshwater, it died lol
  6. Went to reborn today. Bought green star polyps. Yea marine life have RBTA, but i can't afford it =(
  7. There will not be much of a spike if u add corals, i dun think there will be any spike at all. maybe nitrates. Ur filtration system should be able to handle it. From what u tell us, sg, ph, all seems ok, nitrite 0. What about ammonia? Do you have an ammonia test kit? It is important to have an ammonia test kit, but after awhile, ur tank establish, u dont need to use it often. But if ur corals all alive, there wont usually be ammonia present. Ammonia poisoning have symptoms like torn and frayed fins, bloody streaks on body for fishes. Does ur fish display these symptoms?
  8. collected =) Thanks bro, hope you can look after it. Thread closed
  9. Haha. alright, hope all our advice have helped u. maybe u should try chromis fish. Its not a very nice fish.... but its very hardy. and very peaceful
  10. Actually, marine fishes have very high metabolic rates. Depending on the species, they might evenh ave to be fed 3 times a day, everyday! I feed my fishes 4-5 times a day. Each feeding is very light. Try to feed many small meals rather than a few big meals. Feeding once a day could actually be underfeeding, and this may have caused ur fishes to go hungry and this may lead to stress, and thus, they easily succumb to disease and die. Try to feed ur fishes more, at least 2 times a day, and then suck out any uneaten food, to ensure that ur tank doesnt get polluted.
  11. Kalib is right. Don't take this the wrong way, we are all trying to help u, and learn at the same time. But please do more research first before buying. Plan a list, research the requirements, then go LFS shopping =) Some livestock are VERY hardy, some are moderate, some are hard, and some just cannot live in aquariums. Choose those hardy to moderate ones, learn their requirements and then buy. BTW, has ur tank been used for anything before u keep fish? Is it a new tank? If it has been used before, maybe there are harmful chemicals on them. It is unlikely, but if it is new, then it is VERY unlikely. I used to know this person who kept sea cucumbers and etc etc. When it dies, it released alot of toxins. Even after washing the tank, the fishes still die because of the left over toxins on the glass. He went to scrape the tank and went to check for chemicals, and he found out some residue toxins on the glass. In the end, the tank need to wash with ammonia and then clean until VERY clean. But please don't anyhow go wash ur tank lol. unless u are 100% sure that it is ur tank. But like i said, this is those 1 in a million case. I dont know why ur fishes keep dying =(
  12. becareful with copper. too high and its lethal. too low and its ineffective. u need to maintain just the right amount of copper.
  13. oh my god....... i thought the right hand side not open to business one =( DAMN IT LA!!! wasted trip! =(
  14. I received a bicolour angelfish from someone today. My other fish in my tank VERY aggresive towards it, now its isolated in a betta tank. It has abit of white spots, if u can cure it, quarantine it, it will be better. I cannot hold on to this fish any longer, as it is being attacked by my other fishes. If anyone wants to try to keep it, please let me know. Happy to give it to someone who can care for it. I hope someone here has a spare tank, quarantine tank to keep it, try to cure it of its slight ich problem. So far, its feeding on mysis shrimp, but appetite may subside due to its ich. If u want the angel, pls let me know. sms me 97555430. Hope someone here can care for it =)
  15. u can buy from bro fuel, or from lck fish farm they have some now
  16. sister ming the zoo really chio until dunno what to say
  17. That goniopora is not hardy at all. Very high mortality rate. Sorry for this bad news =( If given proper care, it can be moderately easy to keep. but most of the time, very hard. Sorry to hear about ur fishes, hope u can find out the problem and fix it
  18. really. is the LCK, inside got a few ladies and one man one right? then outside got rabbit inside cage one right? that shop right? If it is, i JUST went today, nothing left. only a few clown, some triggers, peppermint shrimps. thats all.
  19. O level very easy one. u dont worry so much ok? My maths and combinued humanities, since sec 1 to sec 4, F9 F9 F9 F9 F9. O level, B3 lol =)
  20. My tank 3.5 feet with alot alot of rock. But i think don wan la. i today go LCK, saw nothing much leh. Just bought some peppermint shrimps. i didnt see any royal gramma, any aurora goby, i din see anything special =( i think i go too late. but i saw they have one golden butterfly in their display tank. so chio lor. i wan to put my hand inside and touch lol.
  21. How come black tang so special? Its like a black yellow tang. Sometimes, if u lucky, can find those scopas tang look like black tang. Today saw a reserved black tang at coral farm. Looks so nice. JET BLACK! =) Just dont know why so special..
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