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Everything posted by yikai

  1. we'll hope they turn up again for the next aquarama.
  2. at least pauci is coming in again. last time even japan cannot get them.
  3. all the rabaulithchys anthias look so similar. here's one caught and sold in cairns, australia. Rubaulichthys squirei. never heard of this species before. new? i don't know. looks very similar to altipinnis
  4. yes. all haiiwan flames are super blood red. but not all blood red flames are found in hawaii. some can be found in xmas etc. remember mine? but mine now turn to normal flame angel color already. orange-ish. even emperor angels too. not only xmas island emperor have orange tail. the orange tail is just a variation that can appear in any emperor in any part of it's range. just that for xmas island, the population of orange tail is higher.
  5. aquarama has a saltwater and freshwater section. although the saltwater is small, these people still come by. and btw, jake adams is a huge freshwater fish nut. he keeps many rare saltwater fish including blue eye pleco. so why not freshwater too? next time aquarama is in town, just drop by and say hi
  6. yes that is the selling point for hawaiian flame angels. no orange. not lesser. is no orange at all. it's pure red
  7. here's a very nice hawaiian flame angelfish from mainland hawaii. contrary to many popular beliefs, flame angels are very rare from hawaii island itself. the ones we get from "hawaii' shipments come from nearby christmas and marshall islands, and get shipped to us from hawaii. the mainland hawaiian flame angels are full blood red and not orangey-yellow like the others. like this one.
  8. don't hate me man there's been quite a large number coming in to our countries but alot of them under the radar. i only manage to get 3 but i know some people here have gotten super nice big males. but they are so unpredictable that even i don't know where or when they have appeared.
  9. i jokingly said that because some people didn't believe the enormous size of the annularis angelfish i posted in the first page! so i thought that this article could maybe give a better perspective of size.
  10. ridiculous! the males outnumber the females if you see the picture of the whole row. since when do genicanthus males outnumber the females in any shipment order? unless that is not the only photo they have
  11. not enough of genicanthus semifasciatus? there's like 20 million pieces here for you to see! males and females! crazy
  12. for all the non believers. http://reefbuilders.com/
  13. actually i'm more curious as to how he got that photo. it's a badly taken photo which means it's not a professional job done by quality marine staff. the TS must have either visited quality marine in the US or had someone there take a photo, or took a photo from someone who had recently visited the facility. so strange huh? how my unexpected trip could produce something so...intriguing!
  14. as for those who wonder what happen to the fish after the show, the fishes were sponsered by quality marine and some other lfs i forgot the name. after the show, the fishes were either sold at the spot to any intersted parties, or brought back to the LFS.
  15. aquarama is a great chance for this and it's a rather small scale one, but a great opportunity for everyone. aquarama is really a very blessed event. we are very lucky it's held in singapore and not in other countries. so the next time it happens, everyone should go! big names come to singapore too for aquarama. i met jake adams during my last aquarama visit and he offered me a post on reefbuilders there. julian sprung, and so many others were here the last time! so the next aquarama, don't hesitate!
  16. I'm not insinuating anything. Just found it a stark coincidence
  17. peacemaker - i don't have a proper camera to begin with jake's the one with all the fancy gadgets. i just have my iphone4 haha. cedric - thanks. i think you would really enjoy speaking to jake and walt smith. they are so damn knowledgable about sps. it's ridiculous.
  18. the helfrich!!!! imagine all the royal gramma, flame angel floating in the little containers in lck. REPLACE WITH HELFRHICHI. jake say some seasons they get soooooooooo much that they sell for about $20! then imagine firefish price?
  19. they never put price tag one. so i dunno the price. btu the waitei should not be expensive. there's about 20 million of them all dumped with cheap indonesian anthias.
  20. yah but they are the famous rare! i was hoping to see some really cool rare stuff that no one knows off and surprise me! like that un-id trigger. it;s super gorgeous i tell u. the tail and other parts are yellowish-gold and the body is light grey. v interesting.
  21. most of the workers there are mexican and asian! you'll be surprised! all cannot speak and spell properly!
  22. ah i just noticed the google pic i've attached is wrong. yah it's a R. lunula. really rare and it's so pretty in real life! there isn't much rare fish this time at QM if you want to discount the 'staple rare' such as wrought iron, conspic etc. but the sheer shize and facility of QM is enough to make you go crazy.
  23. well that's all the photos i have... most of the time i'm too busy either sleeping, freaking out or too excited to take any pics. i think the most rewarding part of this trip is to meet and befriend a heck load of industry leaders. these people are really, uncomparable in terms of knowledge and experience. they just go on and on and on about equipment, corals etc etc non stop even during meal times! and i've learnt really alot from all of them. i had a chance to meet and talk with the creator of coral rx. omg the stuff that goes in there, unbelievable! jake's really knowledgable about corals and sps so it's a nice change, listening and talking about corals other than fish. although i just mostly write up about fish on reefbuilders. i also had the chance to listen to bob fenner and walt smith's talk on their new collection facility in fiji. walt smith is really a fantastically nice guy and he had nice impressions dealing with iwarna. incase some of you don't know, there's a new species of angelfish named after his wife, deborah, and i've tried to pull some strings for angelfish aficionados to get their paws on some the next time walt smith int'l goes collecting. so that's all for my posts today, hope i can share my experience and thrill here for y'all. it's really a privilege to go this far in the hobby in such a short time for me, but there's still plentyyy to learn and experience. there are many events like this happening but it's not always convenient to go, so i don't know when will be the next time i see all of them again and hopefully, share something new.
  24. i also went to pacific aquafarms and sea dwelling creatures. but never really take many photos there. here's some more common stuff. but in outrageous numbers. there are hundreds of flames and multicolors and seriously, it makes you wonder how freaking many there are in the sea. mind you this is only in one shop, for one weekend, in one state! imagine world wide! i promised not to post any photos of jake and the other people i met there out of privacy, but that's his fingers and his camera taking photos of some really tiny venustus angels. incase anyone's wondering.
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