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Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by yikai

  1. oh thanks. so only those that have poewrful sting and have sweeper tentacles, put furthur away? like bubble corals and all the euphyllids... then mushroom, blastos, etc etc all can packed closely?
  2. i like the last picture. orange yuma? or ric? i dunno how to differenciate...
  3. lolx. expensive dun always mean nice
  4. omg ur elegance coral is super zai!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Recently, have heard many news from LFS and forums everywhere that elegance corals are starting to decline in survival rate. They think its some kind of bacteria that shortens their lifespan. Anyway, ur elegance coral looks exquisite. One of my all time favourite corals. THUMBS UP for taking good care of it. Share ur secret leh I myself dun dare to try elegance.....maybe u could give us some tips BTW, elegance coral has a very potent sting...does it sting ur nearby corals? Be careful....it can sting u also. very painful..
  5. the tang the teeth looks so scary! omg lol
  6. Hello. People always tell me when u placing corals, keep them at least 5" apart to prevent stinging. Unless its from same family, then its ok. But i always see those people with those reef tank, everything looks so packed and compact. How come? I see sometimes, corals touching each other, and next to each other...will they not sting? Becase now my tank i follow the 5" rule....looks very empty and non compact. Can anyone tell me why some people's reef tank the corals touching each other and within such close stinging range, but still look so beutiful? ty.
  7. haha yup! now i lazy to feed my corals...i always buy those photosynthetic ones. only my sun coral receive dedicated feeding from me. Rest, all catch whatever food that is floating around hahah!
  8. i love body shop. always smell so nice when i walk pass it lol
  9. yikai

    White Cement

    use cement heavy right?
  10. the first pic is what? lol... second pic rainbow zoo?
  11. yea looks like it hor. careful hor. its poisonous when u eat it
  12. hi amby bro. i have been thinking of adding more liverock there also to make a cave or valley...just lazy only lol. i fill up my left hand side first lor. when no space le i work on the left. slowly slowly then got more things to do
  13. there is still a possibility ur nitrate is 100. do u have massive algae bloom? u can tell by looking at the algae.
  14. wa. nice. all share one pipe.
  15. never see any in sg before. so i dunno lol. but i know iwarna ever bring in declives before.
  16. 100mg/l of nitrate is quite common. just means ur tank nitrate very high and will cause algae bloom. Fish are unaffected by nitrates unless in extremely high amounts. just do a water change can liao. nitrates usually no harm....only cause undesirable algae growth. I dun think ur test kit got problem.
  17. yikai

    White Cement

    haha. white rock nice? brown looks more real
  18. u can keep, but it will starve. if i were u, i will pierce it with a stick and eat the insides no la jk. haha!! i think u can keep it...but i suggest u throw away. wait die might release toxins etc etc i dunno...
  19. yikai

    White Cement

    how come must use white cement? cannot any other kind?
  20. bro u really have no way to put pictures?
  21. oo i see u bought their juvenile lion fish very cute eh?
  22. nudibranch. quite a big one too. yea u can see what it eats by looking at the pattern on its body. as bro terryz said, it might eat cauliflower corals.
  23. hmm. yea. i was just abit annoyed that i din receive a notice or anything that ppl reserve liao...i even gave my hp number to contact me for info...and yet i still keep pm and pm and pm....and waiting.. and if u look at page 1, i replied in about 40mins after he posted the thread... fire shrimps must be very popular coz already 2 ppl pmed him before me. =( anyway, its ok la. i dunno why that day i so worked up also. stress maybe lol....usually i not like this.. nvm la. sorry atsuki for coming to ur thread and making a scene. i apologise happy reefing and good luck with ur sale. cheers
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