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Everything posted by yikai

  1. hi. lovely tank. you should put the elegance coral on the sand....try not to put it on rock. its very unatural for them. if u want to put it on a rock, put it in a horizontal position. not vertical, like you have done. btw, lovely lovely euphyllia collection
  2. finally to sum everything up, a FTS
  3. Bought a very nice blue zoo from sealife. A separate piece of rock was attatched to the main rock by 2 polyps of zoos...in the end, bought both rocks for only $30. i found it very reasonable! now the 2 rocks put side by side, no one know its even 2 rocks. Looks like one big piece My first blue zoo and its doing so well now. open up in 5 mins after introduction. In fact, some were even open inside the bag when i bought it.
  4. Do you also remember i bought a fox coral? mentioned it in the earlier pages... did not take a photo of it, but here it is!
  5. haha. i read from somewhere that most only accept live starfishes. they can sense something that the live star fish produces.... something like that. I have a linckia in my tank...but so far they haven found it yet. neither can i? lol
  6. remember not too long ago i bought a torch coral from GO? well, i bought another torch coral from marine life. now i have 2. they look SOOOOO beautiful swaying in the current. the one on the right is the old one, and the one on the left is the new one!
  7. Zoos that i bought from marine life also. Cream coloured center with red skirting.
  8. updates! picture time. First up, harlequin shrimp pair that i bought from marine life! Beautiful....i love them to death
  9. just came home from sealife. updates - LOTS of sohal tang/ - purple tang - africanus angel - moorish idols - weird very beautiful hog fish. half red half white, tail white with many red spots. dunno name - golden butterflies - blue tangs - ONE blue tang with red dorsal fin (beautiful specimen) - alot of medium size - small asfur angels - tons of fire fish - ALOT of african spotted triggers - 4 bar butterflyfish - 5 bar butterflyfish alot more fish cant remember..
  10. no problem bro. i have kept 3 elegance coral before. first 2 died coz of power shortage, 3rd one kena brown jelly disease unfortunately. Elegance corals are actually very easy to keep....but i have no luck with them haha. recently, due to poor shipping, the success rate also drop. PEI fu ur fren can keep so many. i also learning dont dare to keep again....scared of the sting also. dam pain
  11. i saw it at around $50+ isit like....bluish purplish? saw it at jr marine.
  12. U can see the elegance coral's skeleton to decide where to place it. If it has a conical base, usually put in sand. If it has a wall like skeleton, flat and tall, it can be placed on rocks. I think ur friend has the one with the wall type skeleton. Since most if not all elegance corals are found in sandy and muddy bottoms, they have cone bases. A few have adapted to living on the bottom near rocks, and may have different skeletal structure. Your reefing friend should know...you can ask him.
  13. elegance coral naturally live in turbid waters in lagoons, where the water is very nutrient rich and surrounded by turtle grass. They have special skeleton base shaped like a cone to be embedded in the sand bed. Most, if not all elegance corals are found like this in the wild. By placing it on a rock, it is not natural for them, and the rock might damage the tissue. Just like plate corals. Some people put them on rock, and they thrive. But in the long run, it may/may not be detrimental to the health of the coral. They also live in muddy and shallow grassy reef flats in the wild with diffused lighting. Thus, they need gentle and slow water movements and semi-shade. The coral may seem to be doing well for awhile, but it MAY cause stress or damage if it feels uncomfortable in a non-natural environtment. Almost all elegance corals like it like this....horizontal in the sand bed, in grassy area with low water flow and high nutrient content. Try to provide it with the best natural environment..they don't like living in the same environment as other corals being placed on the rock.... Check ur elegance coral's skeleton. If its cone shaped, better to put on the sand..more natural for them. If its like a wall, long and tall, u can leave it at the rock...just my 2 cents. everyone is entitled to their own opinion
  14. omg is that an elegance coral on a rock? elegance coral shloud not be placed on rock. please move it to the sand bed asap. they have cone shaped based and are suited to be on the sand bed. if u really really have to put on rock, i suggest a bit lower, and at a tilted angle.. Becareful of their sting...very powerful. BTW, nice tank
  15. wa. LOL! super high colestrol and PO4? but sounds good. anyway, wont the water blow it all away?
  16. LOL OMG! its like...vegetable p0rn!! LOL! haha yea. interesting O.o
  17. so far the zoos i bought from henry doing fantastic. i think this could be my first ever zoo that will flourish and do well. only time will tell. found a black sundial snail on it though...removed it and checked for any other pests. pictures first thing tomorrow!
  18. i think the clam is squamosa clam..since brown and cream
  19. always thought angels can change sex...i dunno la lol
  20. haha yea...cant resist since day 1. yea no red marble stars now =( im surprised my linckia is still alive..... they haven find it yet hehe
  21. honestly, i hate most china people. u can flame me all u want, but i have little respect for the people there. i dunno if its the lack of education, or what, but seriouslly, i really have no respect for them. so much food in the world, must eat dog, bear, snake, cat, etc etc. where all the diseave outbreak from? SARS? from where? all from china. their products inside contain poison, the toys contain lead, potato chip inside got rat, soy sauce inside got hair! Arsenic also inside the soy sauce. So many jobs to do, must kill seals....summore cannot kill it humanely. The people there have no manners, anyhow spit in public, talk so loudly and uncouth. I am sad to say my ancestors were from china, but knowing that i do not grow up into people like them, i am contented. PS, this post is not to the entire china. Like every country, there are good and there are bad.... i am just very disgusted by this act of humanity. I tell you.... god created this earth for us. It is our respoinsibility as the superior race to take care of it. Ultimately, our superiority will lead to our own demise. The cleveer we get, we destroy everything. global warming etc etc....because of us, the world is going to die. This is just the first step....now seal...next will be every other animal. Humans..... got potential to succeed, yet some are utterly disgusting.
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