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Everything posted by yikai

  1. haha. im bro lemon not sis. haha. my avatar pic is girl thats why u think i girl ah? haha! hehe my avatar pic is a girl character from a game i always play de. lolx no worries =D
  2. my bicycle kena stolen.......................................................................... .................................................... park it at mrt station, put chain summore!! still can kena steal lol...lucky my bike is free de. otherwise sian 1/2
  3. i put my zoas on the sandbed and it grow long and ugly...also some of the polyps float away. alot of people tell me they need high light, so i put high high lor.
  4. i tot all shrimps are hemaphrodites? they are neither male nor females...like if u add 2 cleaner shrimps, both can get pregnant. or is this different from pistol shrimps?
  5. the return pump should also generate some water movement. + with the added wavebox, should be quite good liao. my tank dun even have any thing....using the return piping to create wave =( wavemaker expensive..
  6. i have 3 torches also 2 greenish brown with neon green tips, and another one is dark red with yellow tips the dark red one very unique, if i ever see anymore, will let u know if u interested. u can see what they look like in my tank thread.
  7. no this is real. they really eat each other's poop. i just wanted to know if anyone saw it before. saw it and was very disgusting. but quite funny..
  8. took a bus to tanjong katong aquamarin. bought aquapharm iodide and coral food.. also, dr bassler's pellet. anyone have any experience with these products? are they good?
  9. u cant keep yumas? for me, i cant keep zoas -.- actually, i have heard ppl telling me that my zoas dont do well because i got alot of powerful coral in my tank. i got bubble, torch, hammer, anchor corals, they can wage chemical warefare and all those weaker corals might suffer. i dunno how true is this.. ur water parameters look fine, maybe u wanna slowly raise ur salinity to 1.025? speaking of iodine...i better go buy some now..
  10. wa amby bro. u live soooo far and u cycle to pasir ris ah? pei fu ni.
  11. the goby is not inside my main tank yet. tonight i will release it into the main tank and take a foto show u
  12. how u get ur shrimp and goby to live against the glass. so lucky. mine lives under a rock. cant take photo like this
  13. yup birdnest my favourite sps. especially when its very pink. super attractive
  14. i had a copperband that was eating pellets. but died coz of power shortage. it was dam rare lor....pellet eating -.- when i buy that time, only eating mysis and prawn. then suddenly it just ate pellet.
  15. o.O just realised u dont have a magestic angel? ;D very nice fish wor. do u have ur blue ring/annularis angel? how come cannot see. haha. You planning to add more fish? to replace those u lost due to the air pump disconnection?
  16. wait u see his house...is the condo inside sentosa cove.. the very expensive and luxurious one. T_T
  17. i didn't mean to arouse so much unwanted attention and excitement here. i know my limits here in this forum, and sad to say, this is not the first time i have made a fool of myself by not thinking before posting. the last incident was in the pasar malam, regarding the fire shrimp =\ i was quite unhappy because the seller did not inform me about someone else already buying it, and kept me waiting like a fool waiting for a reply when it was long gone liao. And yet, without thinking, i just ranted and ranted on the thread about how unhappy i was, without sparing a thought for other people. Looks like i will have to learn to think before typing. Best for everbody like this, if i spare a thought for others before posting. Will prevent unwanted attention and spark tension between reefers. once again i apologize hope you guys can forgive me as i learn to be more sensible!
  18. if any mods around, please remove this thread. thanks
  19. just be sure that u supplement ur xenias with iodine there has been anecdotal evidence that shows xenias benefit from iodine. Also, read somewhere that ur PH has to be 8.6 and should not fall below 8.3 at night in order for ur xenia to pulse. Honestly, these are just guidelines i have had some xenias for some times and they thrive very well, pulsating and i dun even check PH. only dose iodine. but careful not to overdose otherwise u can get algae problem. Too bad i lost my xenia to a power outage
  20. 2 39W 10k lighting...2 39W 10k blue actinic.
  21. people, i apologize if anyone find this offensive. i just wanted to know if anyone has seen the video....that was all. Honestly, i find some of the jokes in the jokes section to be more offensive that what i have here. but again, if anyone find this offensive, i am sorry ok? Once again i APOLOGIZE for bringing up this topic. would really appreciate if someone closed this thread for me..... and dachkie, please understand. If i comment on every thread replying people's questions, pasar malam, tank threads etc etc, i am just trying to help/ask questions.... it has been years since i have been in touch with this hobby, and it is my first time setting up a tank of my own... naturally i have many questions and queries, and also what ever knowledge i have, i share with people. If my post counts are alot, and if it offends you, i will stop posting too many times. If you find my activeness in this forum over whelming, i will stop posting often also. If you also think that i am spamming, please tell me so i can correct my mistakes. my school starts in about 1-2 months. then i will be dam busy and have less time to do reefing, and even less time to hang around this forum. Just trying to learn as much as i can before school starts. If anyone has any complains regarding my behaviour, please feel free to share. i dont mind if you guys scold/suan me as long as it helps me to be a better person. Sincerely regret bringing up this topic..
  22. u mean u lost so many fish? sorry to hear =( hope everything goes well for u.
  23. iwarna has some xenia last week. dunno if still got
  24. oh i mean reefsafe big angels from the pomacanthus family. dont have right? =(
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