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Everything posted by yikai

  1. some pictures of my elegance after finish a small piece of prawn i fed it. now expanded quite nicely just need to solve the goby spitting sand problem...dunno if its bad for the coral...
  2. yes i had a copperband that was eating pellets and survived for many months. but died coz of power shortage. =\
  3. elegance not suppose to put on rocks...yet alone the very top where the intense light is... i have this problem my stupid goby keep spitting sand on it sand sifter goby..
  4. just came back from iwarna...nothing much left. still got some pratas, hammer...alot of cheap anthias. 3 for $10, and alot of sailfin tang oso.
  5. i see. thanks peacemaker - aww, the xenias were put inside those blue tub, very obvious. if u din see it means there was probably none left. -sigh- lxenia quite rare huh? last week din buy coz they were still acclimating...wanted to wait for them to be more stable first. now bo liao. =\ haha too slow
  6. omg 4 inches is 10cm leh!! thats huge!!!!!! like the size of those market prawn!?
  7. saw any xenia at iwarna? i saw some last week and wanted to know if there are any left.
  8. my yasha goby and the shrimp so sickening =( hide inside one rock at the corner of my tank, very hard to see it. i wish it had chosen a much better place like infront of my tank =\
  9. ok thanks for the info. ur favia isit one big rock? or isit underneath hollow? like a shell? coz if its like a shell, i can fix it onto something on my rock. but if its one big piece, solid, like a stone, i dun think i have any space le. i can show u one FTS later in my tank thread u see, really no space T_T only one small space right at the top, but i scared will bleach coz its right at the surface.
  10. Then how come lifeaquaria show this thing..? they saw got both juv and adult mimic tang....adult one look so diff.
  11. oh really?? wow thanks for the info. i feel so stupid now. i always thought the mimic tang will grow into an adult mimic tang with different colour. coz i have seen mimic tangs which doesnt look like any of the fish they are suppose to copy. =] sorry for giving wrong info LOL. which mimic tang u keep b4? the one that copy eibli, lemon peel, heraldi or half black? im quite interested to find one that copy lemonpeel one. hehe
  12. i guess farm and shop different mah. shop of coz sell higher lor...but ya dam ex. wait buy liao bring home never open/die. sure sian one
  13. provided it is still there. the blue zoos, even ON shipment day, all gone by the time i went there...sian 1/2 left all the pink, red and neon looking pink/red (very striking) but the pink ones are very nice...i do believe some of the reefers here have the one im talking about. its quite common, but its dam nice. i found some images on google and i think the ones at GO look like these. about 80% similar in terms of colour.
  14. i made sure none of the tissue is abrading against the sand dun worry but elegance coral place on sand more natural. better than rock mah...rock more easily damage the coral. Anyway, today my elegance bloom very nice. if can later i take picture. BTW, isit going to be a problem if my sand sifter goby spit sand at my corals? -__- keep spitting at my zoos, my clove, and now my elegance....i think i should remove it. dam sickening
  15. go to pasar malam section. alberted selling each for $6
  16. yea if wan to buy, buy together. but i saw the pink zoos. really super nice T_T but i find the rock too big, my tank no space. need to frag
  17. cute sexy shrimp. i got 3, feel like buying more
  18. i mean tank no space* lmao...space no tank.
  19. haha. no i din see any blastos? maybe u got them liao. remember to put a picture so i can see it! haha. i see the favia and the galaxea. wa dam tempting leh but my tank dun have any space. BTW, favia can put where? rock? sand? i only have one small little space right at the tippy top of my tank and im afraid it is too bright and will bleach both corals. =( i think u have to sell/give to others le. i really no space T_T but ur favia dam nice. and i like galaxea too. haiz....see la. buy 3 torch corals now my space no tank. zzz
  20. there was only one blue zoo left when i was there and it was reesrved liao. so no more blue zoos. however, still have alot of very nice pink and neon red zoos. but the price....very heartpain T_Tand the piece very big also. i have no space for it...hopefully few weeks later will still be there, and will be much cheaper. currently now 10 red notes for one piece.
  21. if u like true octo, then u might wanna try some of the other euphyllia corals like what i did. i also like true octo, but very ex. frogspawn also quite ex. so i bought torch corals and hammer corals. anchor coral also. these all same family as octo and they sway very beautifully in the current. especially the torch. u can check my tank thread to see.
  22. elegance have a very powerful sting. Can even kill aiptasia. as in, outsting aiptasia when i was placing it in my tank that time accidently brushed against it. then my hand that area felt very itchy and like...pins and needles u know that kind of feeling. i guess i din touch it long enough to get stung real badly, but the reaction i feel very weird. like kena static shock from tv =\ The tentacles feel very sticy also. will cling to ur hand haha. so i guess it is healthy and in good condition. GO had one blue-green one with purple tentacles. super sui but it was not open when i was there, and did not want to take the chance =] so i just bought this healthy specimen. but i still like it alot one of my all time fav corals. it is a pity this genus cataphyllia is a monotypic one =\ imagine got other kinds! wow will be so cool lor..can collect them all
  23. haha! i also find SPS look like rock...like sticks! but they do look nice.
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